I know it helps a lot of people with depression, but not if youre in the middle of a CPS case. My house seems cold and empty, all his things are gone, and I cant even get visits. I also requested CPS to be involved to investigate the claims this woman had made. God has a purpose for everything he allows. I dont want to give up but I need a support group or something for thisone where people will help one another fight cases together and not just sit and discuss troubles although that can be useful to some extent too and wallow in problems. Your kids need you to fight for them, and for their kids and so on, we must change laws NOW. this pain guilt and empty feeling is stifling what do i do? because it doesnt stop and it hurts us more than anyone would understand. You can do this. I would be supervised 24/7 by qualified people ensuring my daughters safety. (We lived with my parents). I havent seen them since 2009. They took her because of a rush to judgment. I have been waiting to get the job I worked so hard for but because I have this founded case on my record cps has to verify and sign a paper and I have been waiting 2 months. The far away future. ??? I could never be mad with him or questioned him. I feel hopeless a lot. When we had gotten there the place was a mess so i proceeded to help her clean it. Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world. Jesus let evil have its way with him so that he could arise victorious three days later. I need help. Jesus died, by shedding his blood for the sins of the whole world to provide the free gift of eternal life to anyone who will receive it. [My CPS case was about domestic violence I was battered by my babys father.] We are here to learn spiritual truths. Listen, my depressed friends, this is not the thing to do when your family is attacked by CPS. There is a complete evaluation that comprises financial, emotional, and physical considerations.Mental illness can cause the court to label a parent unequipped and result in lost custody privileges. I take Abilify-It helps a lot by giving me gumption to beat do-nothingism. My website is http://cristinabcaesar.us I feel such an emptiness inside but Im too numb to cry. I also take an antidepressant, Effexor. That is what keeps me hanging on. Linda is a wonderful person who lost her son David to suicide. I havent had my parental rights terminated but i dont know if they do if Ill be able to live with knowing I might never see my kids again. I be praying for u and your kiddos. Maybe because I became a debby downer. Thorannaslayer, what a sad testimony. Don't take our word for it, read testimonials from our past clients to get an idea of how we can help your family get through this difficult time. At that time because of this my 3 daughters were picked up by cps, and I was living in El Centro now. I want to share my story of hope! My sons were adopted by my husbands twin(fraternal not identical) brother and his wife and she happens to be an attorney in the same town as the cps case and get this in the SAME DEPARTMENT!!! Will this ever end? When I seen them again a worker just laughed about it. If you do not find understanding among loved ones, start communicating on the Internet. Those of us who suffer much will benefit in the end. Looking Up! I pray that you and your mother will get along well enough together that she will eventually loosen up and let you see your children, and even have them in your home for extended visits as they are growing up. You can manage it. It suggests that we go through five distinct stages after the loss of a loved one. Some of them, including our Governor, I contacted more than once, and used more than one method to contact him. This could be a therapist, counselor, or support group. Everybody does this the way they say. Thats a laugh. We fought for the kids for 3 years. Even took hope. Let that truth be that their mom has always, always loved them. You might be withdrawing socially from your friends and loved ones who offer support. This post would have been helpful if I wasnt atheist. You are not alone and there is always help. She didnt want to, and she was a GOOD mother just like you! I knew of many of these situations before, and thought I had a good enough support system to protect us. It may be not useful now but one day it just might be worth it to show them you were there always loving them. Just remember to keep moving, keep your heart pumping, and know that it will have a positive effect on your mood. i am accountable for my huge part. Depression can run in families. CPS had called me and asked me to meet them at the DHS building in the town i was living in said that they wanted to do a meeting with me and to bring my children because they hadnt seen them in a while. Do not be like those people who committed suicide. Do NOT use marijuana!! I can not even go for a walk with them with out someone with us and its not my ability to say yes to them if they ask to do things. When that did not work, I found out who they answered to, and contacted them. But now this is what the Lord says: Do not weep any longer, for I will reward you, says the Lord. A woman with hollow eyes approached us and handed out a flier. my email is: byt777-at-cs.com, and my name is Brandi!! Im appealing the termination. I am in alot of heartache and could really use sound advice. Im in south los Angeles I requested Fsp since June 2016 when the worker came to my home, however I found out she was on vacation from her supervisor even after I called them to tell them my daughter was hospitalized 2 times since the referall was issued June 17,2016!!!! Ive wanted to start up something for these parents who are working to get their children back or just need a shoulder to lean on. Still to this day I have not got my story out but kept all proof of what I know. It felt like I was being a weak ass bitch. I was lucky and had a great guy who told me like it was and didnt sugar coat anything. Poems about Child abuse at the world's largest poetry site. My attorney has changed her attitude somewhat for the better. I pray everyday that she will have a change of heart and that she will agree to let us see each other or at least talk to each other. Avoid all illegal drugs now and forever! Rhonda, I wanted to end my life even though I did nothing to do so. I got approved for housing I got off my drugs. Mommys coming!! God removes them not in a bad way but if he knows were not doing the right thing for ourselves or our children he will intervene. My son was adopted to some family in a different town. Make lifestyle changes to help manage stress. Fight with all your might! { HELP WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS IN GEORGIA PLZ }, { You worked for them for 24 years, meaning you did horrific things to earn a living and you want to play victim? Does anyone have any experience with this. He wanted you to be their parents. Reasons mothers lose custody - Abusing 2. Call me at three six zero 480 five one one four. Do you have a case appointed lawyer? It's normal for children to have difficulty expressing their feelings. You need a law firm with attorneys who: Learn more about how our Bellevue family law attorneys can help +. In some cases, the childs wishes will be considered. Start there. They need you! Please use the comment section below to let us know what works for you. I am on here to find some way to fight this, get info on how to fight, and do it. Do it right away as the lawyer needs to notify the county of the appeal quickly, and before the children are adopted. This is a very, very dark time for you and I am so sorry that you have found yourself in a dark place in your life. This time I got married and let my son go visit his dads side of the family because of an argument with my husband. I have calmed down my complaints some for now, because the State is actually cooperating with us some. And eventually the pain will go away though the memories stay. Last time I went to rehab a halfway house and moved too different city. In this article we have discussed the mental health issues that parents struggle with when they lose custody of their children. 35 days of meetings got a sponsor been doing their drugscreens supervised visits drug and alcohol classes while continuing to keep my job which has supported my children and I for almost three years. I had faith before my kids were taken. I do know Oregon State it is foreign to me and I was lured up here by family members who promised us a big loving family.. but Instead we were abused.. lied to and manipulated.. :(. Im literally hurting emotionally and physically. Ask your therapist about seeing a psychiatrist. I often. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Cps became involved in my life when my only child was 21months. Your email address will not be published. The two older girls are in two seperate homes. Im told I still have the job they are just still waiting but this cps worker I have dealt with I swear is out to get me. I live in Arkansas and three of my kids got taken away from me over my ex husband beating on me all the time, and put me in the icu One over my little boys at the age of 9 yrs asked me MOMMY can I ask u something and dont lie. Seek out support groups and support systems from family and friends. My foster care worker is supposse to help me and said she would and hasnt much helped me with anything. Wonder if I should ever let them be and live their lives without me. Pray for me please! Some answers to the most frequently asked questions may also be helpful. I cannot even write for this website unless I get enough sleep the night before. My case is the worst case I know and it makes people sick to tell them what happened. This will pass. She is my youngest of four daughters her sisters are distraught, I have to put up a front but Im dying with pain. I'm willing to help in any way." Offer silence. If you experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth, the death of a young child, or the passing of an adult child, few people will understand your pain. I finally got a weekday off today was hoping to have this team meeting. I do it one day at a time. 6. I suffer from anxiety now that I never had once before. Im hanging on by a tiny thread. two days later CPS was called on me. I hope this helps each and every one of you! when weve got nothing and all hope is gone, who do we turn to? We may lose this battle, but the victory is already won. Cps doesnt respond to me at all and my given attorney even defends him. The worker told my mother that she had to bring my son to her in L.A. County. Dogs can form emotional attachments to people and to other dogs. TX Mothers and fathers may cling to each other more closely, give each other space to grieve . Seniors may experience severe grief-related symptoms stemming from loneliness and a loss of a sense of purpose. I get to talk to him for 3min a week i am lucky. Write down everything!! You may feel guilt and shame over your addiction. Lets make our lives speak to our kids.. There are different types of depression. Im disabled and cant work. Stanislaus County? You are experiencing grief and trauma. This happened in 2005 but still today 2019 the tpr is destroying my life. They are very young 1 and 6 months. Can determine what's best for you and your family. But still I have no more friends. I didnt even fight them about baby going with them I just wanted to safely give birth. But my children are living in another city an hour away. I was to return to my home state of Missouri where I have many loved ones..employment and a home set up..this was the plan before they even stepped foot into my life. Stop crying and live your life with purpose and give them a MOTHER to call the day they turn 18! One day your children are going to grow up and have kids of their own! 2. It may be expensive but this is your ONE opportunity to turn things around if it gets to the point where theyre doing a TPR hearing. They dont like me and wont return my calls. My life now is peaceful and happy, but I know what it is to suffer from missing your children. }, { People still won't believe it until it happens to them.a }, { They won't ever admit to it. I also-dont know if these work yet or not because I just ordered them-but they have great reviews, they are called Happy Pills by brain Pharma. We may also have self-pity and feel lonely, isolated, empty, lost, and . I went to court today for a continuing restraining order which was denied. Go to bed on time, eat regularly. Iv tried everything. I missed ten years with my two oldest daughters during their childhoods. Help me please. I have the certificate of adoption with her name on it. Usually by the time a case has reached the point of TPR (Termination of Parental Rights) it is hard to get your child back unless youve done everything on the service plan and have collected your evidence and are prepared to impress the judge at the hearing. But my daughter wasnt addicted to anything when she was born they tested her & everything. Kids dont get over knowing a parent committed suicide. All of the kids are in danger, between the two in foster homes and definitely the four little boys with their abisive father. And I mean everything but the clothes on my back. I would suggest reevaluating on maybe the why your kids might have been taken and focus on what you can do to get them back. I can most assuredly tell you that you DID THE RIGHT THING by doing that. It is temporarily necessary to refuse important affairs: sale of the real estate, big purchases, sharp changes. I had moved a half hr away out of the county even to live with some friends in their house my children were set with their own room beds etc everything they needed. All I want is to be treated like a person and have a chance to see my grandson and say good bye. 3.) Heart palpitations, shaking, chest pains, diarrhoea, butterflies in your stomach and sickness are all common. What can I do for my grandson ? I hope he will be returned to you soon. I was thinking of instead trying to appeal. Do not turn to drugs or alcohol for comfort because they will only drag you down to the abyss. Losing your mother at any age can be a. I am just so tired of everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Esk_2a9qfaU, Im giving up on life they changed the goal i already had one pass to sids no one will help me get the pychological evaluation its been denied by medical no matter what i do Im gonna lose i have a lung infection from sleeping outside just so i can visit my kids 54 miles from where i live and i have to walk but i did it for my babies but nothing i do is good enough and losing them means Im already dead so unless i get the pychological evaluation its useless, Opal, He was taken when he was eleven months old. And before them females and before them our dark skinned extended family. Mickalyn, keep trying. I had my grandchild the day before RIPPED out of my life!!!! We all have problems. The reason that depression may be an issue in a child custody case is that it may have a bearing on the childs best interests. Who is with me? They treat me like dirt and I am a good person!! They came in and investigated my home was orderly, my children were healthy and clean, my ua came back negative. All I can do is get better and look to the future. My children were never abused and always with their mom prior. I hate them I wish nothing but misery and painful illness on them..Sorry cant help how I feel they have destroyed my whole life and I just want to leave this cold and cruel world!! This past March I was assaulted once again by my ex. There is no justice, no winning with these communist family destroyers, no matter what you do or how good your record is. The Lord blessed me with his comfort He helps me every day to cope with this loss. Children are being handed over to these men while the moms life falls apart. 75219. I understand that grandparents have no rights in NC but rights or not, they should consider that they are dealing with human beings who have feelings and children who love the ones who care for them. There are different types of depression. I have 100% guaranteed childcare just feet away 24/7.. It worked, we were so prepared, so knowledgeable of our rights, so ready to kick their butts and we won. . Hi I lost my 4 youngest and ironically Im getting back the child that originally called on me. Im sorry your 17yo turned against you. They moved my kids 2 & a half hours away. I just need some advice. Amber, so sorry you were depressed after your baby was born. I dont know where else to turn. they removed them and put in foster care?i had to call my kids and in less then hr prepare them what was to happen. This poem has been the second hardest thing that I have ever done. Factors affecting mother-child visiting identified by women with histories of substance abuse and child custody loss. I have 4 boys and he is the only one with substance abuse and anger issues. Depending on your particular challenges, you may work with a therapist on custody issues that are stressful for you and your child such as communicating, time spend together if you are allowed to, broaching the subject of why you have to be seperated. She must have felt the same way we do. That hurts trust me, I know. I started taking SAMe, (you can buy it at Walmart, vitamin section) Started working again. God. Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies or activities. I went to a pyshc ward to get off heroin and back on my bi polar meds. Is there any way to speak with you over the phone? And because of my certainty that I couldnt have children I was sexually active despite my current dependence on a drug. Im paying the price now. I suppose it could be for some families. Proper nutrition and sleep will help you recover faster from grief by reducing stress hormones in the blood. If you do suffer from depression and want to seek custody, its important to get as much solid, medical evidence as possible. Im thankful for him. Then my battle will be with the family law court i just hope my son is strong enough to keep himself alive will i find a way to safe my best friend who i have no contact with or even seen i miss him dearly ever since november 24th 2012 brutality assaulted by mom and stepdad. I couldnt believe they were discussing in an open court room their plans on handling a mother and her child with an outcome already planned. Be considered it until it happens to them.a }, { people wo! Her sisters are distraught, I wanted to end my life even though I nothing..., we must change laws now one method to contact him of what I know it helps lot! Help in any way. & quot ; offer silence between the two in homes! Refuse important affairs: sale of the real estate, big purchases, sharp changes way. & ;! 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