A common cause in females with heterochromia is X-inactivation, which can result in a number of heterochromatic traits, such as calico cats. Blond (male) or blonde (female), also referred to as fair hair, is a human hair color characterized by low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin.The resultant visible hue depends on various factors, but always has some yellowish color. Medicaid: Eligibility and Vision Benefits. In fact, only about 17 percent of the world's population has blue eyes. All eyes in the country were once brown, but a study revealed they are now 48 per cent blue, 30 per cent green and 22 per cent brown. It has shown that indigenous people of Melanesia evolved blonde hair independently of the European population, having around 5-10% of blondes, despite darker eye and skin color. In Finland, apart from native Finns, there are Sami people (living in the north of the country in Lapland), which have a greater percentage of dark hair and eye color. [80][81] However, a study in 2000 suggests that people with dark brown eyes are at increased risk of developing cataracts and therefore should protect their eyes from direct exposure to sunlight. Light or medium-pigmented brown eyes can also be commonly found in South Europe, among the Americas, and parts of Central Asia, West Asia and South Asia. Nevertheless, green eyes are common in a few parts of the world, like Ireland and Scotland. Although hazel eyes may contain specks of amber or gold, they usually tend to have many other colors, including green, brown and orange. Affects function of OCA2, with a specific mutation strongly linked to blue eyes. Eye Color 101. This one person with a genetic mutation had children, and the trait was passed to the next generation. Blue eyes percentage: 50-80. 2000-2023 AAV Media, LLC. One more usual hair color is red, and also green eye color, being among the rarest in the world. The scale consists of 20 colors[97] ranging from light blue to dark brown-black, corresponding to natural eye colors caused by the amount of melanin in the iris:[98][99]. [30][31] Amber eyes should not be confused with hazel eyes. Cataracts are very common as you get older. Of those four, green is the rarest. If you inherit blue-eye genes from your parents, it means that your eyes will have less of a pigment called melanin in them. They lower your risk of developing cataracts, for instance. As we have noted, blonde hair and light eyes depend on the amount of melanin extracted. The iris is the colored part of your eye that has multiple layers. [14] As of 2006[update], one out of every six Americans, or 16.6% of the total US population, has blue eyes,[65] including 22.3% of whites. 2011;27(6):609-613. doi:10.1002/dmrr.1214. Blue light is then reflected out, which makes the iris appear blue even though it's actually colorless. The stunning combination of blue eyes and sandy brown or blonde hair is much sought after in other countries, but very much the norm here. People with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor, according to new research. [4][34] Hazel eyes often appear to shift in color from a brown to a green. Which country has the most people with blue eyes? Having blue eyes has its advantages. Associated with differences between blue and green eyes. Can You Have One Blue Eye and One Brown Eye? Since the inner ear uses melanin, and blue eyes come from a lack of melanin, some researchers hypothesize there may be a link between eye color and acquired hearing loss. Although most common eye color in Latvia that ranks 7th on our list oftop countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage ofpopulation, is blue and greyish-blue and hair blond, there is also a certain amount of population being grey-eyes and brown haired, whose roots can probably be traced to the ancient Livs, who have later been assimilated. Since many people with blue eye color are more sensitive to light and may have a higher risk of retinal damage from UV rays, eye doctors often recommend that people with blue eyes be a little more cautious about their exposure to sunlight. Norway. A lower level of melanin allows more light to reflect off the eye; the blue color is the resulting shade. The hazel eye color is primarily due to the combination of a decent amount of melanin and Rayleigh scattering. Blue eyes have small amounts of melanin while brown eyes are rich in melanin. Because blue eyes contain less melanin than most other eye colors, they may be more at risk of certain damage. One possible explanation for the difference in the appearance of gray and blue eyes is that gray eyes have larger deposits of collagen in the stroma, so that the light that is reflected from the epithelium undergoes Mie scattering (which is not strongly frequency-dependent) rather than Rayleigh scattering (in which shorter wavelengths of light are scattered more). Get our editors daily picks straight in your inbox! According to the World Atlas, between 75% and 85% of the world's population has dark . Even though the top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage of population are the European ones, some interesting scientific research have shown that evolution of blondes has probably happened more than once throughout the history of humankind. And around 10%, 5%, and 2% . After green, gray is the second-rarest natural eye color, with 3% of the worlds population having gray eyes. Blue eyes are the second most common eye color in the world. Finland is a country with a rich history and unique culture. One of the very few studies that have been made on this is over 50 years old and is part of an anthropological study from the 1960's. The study concluded that somewhere between 50 and 80 percent . The colored part of the eye is called the iris. Having blue eyes has its advantages. Now, lets get back to our main questions, which country has the most blue eyes and which country has the most blondes. We know this happens because the body produces less melanin in people of European ancestry. Are contact lenses a good choice for kids? There are many other possible reasons for having two different-colored eyes. That's good news if you have blue eyes, since your risk of cataracts is lower. Even though amber is similar to gold, some people have russet or copper colored amber eyes that are mistaken for hazel, though hazel tends to be duller and contains green with red/gold flecks, as mentioned above. A team of scientists has tracked down a genetic mutation that leads to blue eyes. Almost all humans have some brown in their eyes. It is darkest when we are at our healthiest and naturally fades . Amber 5.0%. Due to this large concentration of collagen, the light is reflected differently than other eye colors. The higher the amount of melanin in the iris and the denser the texture of the melanin, the darker the color of a person's eyes; the same melanin concentration also depends on many factors such as hereditary and environmental ones. At one time, it was believed that eye color, blue eyes included, was a simple genetic trait. A baby's eyes may be blue during this time, but later change color. Pigmentation, the Pilous System, and Morphology of the Soft Parts", "A Single DNA Difference in the HERC2 Gene Explains Blue Eyes | Understanding Genetics", "How one ancestor helped turn our brown eyes blue", "All Blue-Eyed People Have This One Thing in Common", "Blue eyes are increasingly rare in America - Americas - International Herald Tribune (Published 2006)", "Don't it make my blue eyes brown Americans are seeing a dramatic color change", "Prediction of eye color in the Slovenian population using the IrisPlex SNPs", "Are gray eyes the same as blue in terms of genetics?". Because of this, the pupillary reflex is much more pronounced in albino individuals, and this can emphasize the red eye effect in photographs. [34] Many animals such as canines, domestic cats, owls, eagles, pigeons and fish have amber eyes, whereas in humans this color occurs less frequently. [3]:9. 3. [85] A blue coloration of the sclera may also be symptomatic of disease. Bilirubin thus accumulates in the blood and makes the sclera and skin yellow. Definitions of the eye color hazel vary: it is sometimes considered to be synonymous with light brown or gold, as in the color of a hazelnut shell. If you have ever been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of someone with stunning blue eyes, then congratulations, you are seeing one of nature's rarest wonders! "From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor," said Eiberg. [58][59], A Birman kitten with distinctive sapphire blue eyes, The first blue-eyed koala known to be born in captivity[60], The same DNA sequence in the region of the OCA2 gene among blue-eyed people suggests they may have a single common ancestor. Any advantage in surviving bone-chilling winters must have been welcome in the far-northern latitudes. Hazel eyes: What determines hazel eye color. Another hypothesis about heterochromia is that it can result from a viral infection in utero affecting the development of one eye, possibly through some sort of genetic mutation. Speaking scientifically, blue eye color and natural blond hair are cause of recessive genes (actually alleles, which are forms of a gene) combination, as opposed to dominant genes which are characterised by darker eye and hair colors (of course, recessive and dominant genes are not only responsible for eye and hair color, but for other genetic inheritance as well). While eye color is not a defining characteristic of a person, it can be interesting to see how the distribution of different colors varies from place to place. [26] Grey 0%. [78] People with lighter eye colors, such as blue or green, have lessened protection from the sun, and so need greater protection from the sun's rays than those with darker eye colors. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. All About Vision and AllAboutVision.com are registered trademarks of AAV Media, LLC. The amount of melanin, or pigment, a person has in their iris determines their eye color. These clear lenses block 100% UV both indoors and outside, and automatically darken when they're exposed to outdoor sunlight. Boys are 3 percent to 5 percent likelier to have blue eyes than girls, but beyond that it's a non-issue -- physiologically speaking. Well, that makes at least one of the most common stereotypical statements about the Dutch true. While the rest of us see beauty and wonder in eye color, eye doctors see the source of eye color the iris as a signpost for vision problems. However, some studies have suggested that many of these may be more blue-grey in color meaning they contain even less melanin than their blue-eyed cousins. On the flip side of these advantages, studies have also shown that having blue eyes can put you at higher risk for developing certain health problems compared to people with other eye colors. In those with milder forms of albinism, the color of the iris is typically blue but can vary from blue to brown. It's also the story of the bond she fights to maintain with her 10 year-old sister, Arina. As the child develops, melanocytes (cells found within the iris of human eyes, as well as skin and hair follicles) slowly begin to produce melanin. Simply put, in order for someone to have blue eyes and blond hair, both of the alleles combined must be recessive in order to show up. Researches at Penn State University identified SLC24A5 as the gene responsible for skin pigmentation, and a specific mutation within it responsible for fair skin. From 6-36 months, cells in the iris start producing melanin and the eye color will change. So, if melanocytes extract just a little bit of melanin, babys eye color will remain light, but they usually produce much more of this protein, which causes darker eye colors. The color of our eyes depends on how much melanin is present in the iris. Worldwide, fewer than 9% of people have blue eyes. Studies have shown that these can cause problems like eye cancer and macular degeneration for those with lighter-colored irises. In fact, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) claims that everyone on the planet had brown eyes around 10,000 years ago. For instance, people with brown eyes are considered by many to be more trustworthy than blue-eyed people (though the combination of brown eyes and facial shape is crucial). If you have blue eyes it does not mean that your iris is actually colored blue. In humans, this pigmentation of the iris depends on the melanin concentration in the iris pigment epithelium, it's content within the iris stroma, as well as the cellular density of the stroma. Blond hair percentage: 75. Recent advances in ancient DNA technology have revealed some of the history of eye color in Europe. The world is a beautiful, diverse place, full of unique cultures and individuals. SEE RELATED: Is blue the rarest eye color? Report. Some medical conditions affect ones eye color. Krystina is a Technical Writer with a background in healthcare. Dissection reveals that the iris pigment epithelium is brownish black due to the presence of melanin. The incidence of blue eyes continues to decline among American children. Additionally, Icelanders are very passionate about supporting their sports teams! So, the more melanin you have, the darker your eyes appear. Even Sweden, the world's blondest country, has had a drop in the proportion of blondes to brunettes of nearly 20 per cent since 1948. . The inheritance pattern followed by blue eyes was previously assumed to be a mendelian recessive trait, however, eye color inheritance is now recognized as a polygenic trait, meaning that it is controlled by the interactions of several genes. Blue eyes are an inherited trait. [45], Green eyes probably result from the interaction of multiple variants within the OCA2 and other genes. With almost 61 percent of its population having blue eyes, this country is truly unique and undeniably beautiful. Green 2.0%. Through the analysis of ancient DNA, a 2020 study published in Experimental Dermatology suggested that the common gene for blue eye color likely originated in the Near East and arrived in Europe around 42,000 years ago, after the exodus out of Africa. or brown eyes. Blue is the second most common color, followed by hazel (a blend of green and brown), amber, gray, and green. For the blue eye color, we have gathered general information from Quora, and have also searched for additional information on countries individually. They were present in south Siberia during the Bronze Age. Hazel eyes: What determines hazel eye color? Persons with albinism have very little or no melanin in the iris. What Is the Origin of Blue Eyes in Black People? The content on this site is for informational purposes only. . So don't be concerned if your child begins to lose their baby-blue eye color. Free shipping on all US orders! Blue eye color is determined by melanin, and melanin is actually brown by nature. Scientists assume that this genetic mutation might have happened somewhat between 5,000 and 3,000 ago, under the assumption that it was an evolutionary adaptation connected to competition for mates. Provincia: bulletin trimestriel de la Socit de Statistique http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0133%3Abook%3D1%3Acard%3D206, "Melanins: Skin Pigments and Much MoreTypes, Structural Models, Biological Functions, and Formation Routes", "The Claim: Eye Color Can Have an Effect on Vision", Quantification and Correction of Iris Color. The higher the melanin concentration in the iris, the darker the eye color will be. Blue eyes are also found in Central Asia, North Africa, South Asia, West Asia, and Southern Europe. When it comes to first impressions, the little things make all the difference. Activities of melanocytes are responsible for our skin pigmentation, as it is familiar, and also eye and hair color. They look blue because of how light is reflected. People with blue eyes need to be careful about exposure to bright sunlight. [23] Under the same environmental conditions, there may be disagreement over the color of an object between two different people;[further explanation needed] the factor that causes this discrepancy is the presence of melanin in the iris, which is the main factor in determining eye color. Some people with severe albinism appear to have red eyes under certain lighting conditions. American Academy of Ophthalmology. People with gray eyes have very little or no melanin in their irises but have a high concentration of collagen in the stroma. In the U.S., that proportion is higher, at about 27%. Since Norway is on the 3rd place of the top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage ofpopulation, there are still many darker native Norwegians than it could be expected. An iris that appears golden contains some melanin even at this early age and is likely to turn from blue to green or brown as the infant ages. Researchers believe there is one ancestor responsible for this eye color. This occurs in humans and certain breeds of domesticated animals and affects less than 1 percent of the world's population. Aesth Plast Surg. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. Different studies have shown that people with lighter iris color have higher chances of "age-related macular degeneration" than those with darker ones. Blue eyes have been common across Europe since prehistoric times. Eye color not only affects ones personality but also reflects ones ancestry, the melanin concentration in irises, and even ones current health condition. There is some research that shows people do say blue eyes along with bright whites of the eyes and large pupils are ideal marks of beauty. Whats the Difference Between Vitiligo and Albinism? Around 17 per cent of people have blue eyes, and when combined with 1-2 per cent having red hair, the odds of having both traits are around 0.17 per cent. For example, researchers are looking at the connection between having blue eyes and: Eye health providers remind almost everyone with blue eyes to wear sunglasses to reduce their risk of potential eye cancers like eye melanoma. So, having in mind how low is the statistical probability for blue eyes and blond hair it is not a surprise that percentage of blue eyesworldwide is just around 8%, and, for example, in the US, only 1 in 6 people have light eye color. 10 . [12], Eye color is an inherited trait determined by multiple genes. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023 worldatlas.com. Stay Safe. This is why many babies are born with blue eyes, only to have their eye color change as their irises develop more melanin throughout early childhood. The top layer, called the epithelium, is where the melanin (pigment) that gives an eye its color lives. Some eyes have a dark ring around the iris, called a limbal ring. There is no blue pigmentation either in the iris or in the vitreous body. Then, somebody had a genetic mutation with two quirks: It gave them blue eyes and prevented their children from having brown eyes. In addition to red eyes, some people with albinism can also have actual "violet-colored" eyes. In fact, more than half of all Americans age 80 or older either have cataracts or have had surgery to get rid of cataracts. One more interesting fact is that most lighter-skinned babies are born with light eyes, being blue or greyish, which usually starts to change after 6 months and finally fully changes after around 1st year of age. Eye color percentages around the world - Medical News Today, Eye Spy: Worldwide Eye Color Percentages - Healthline, An Overview of Eye Color Percentages Across the World - MyMS Eye Care, What is the Most Common Eye Color? Since we are slowly coming to the epicenter top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage ofpopulation, Denmark is the first country of Vikings that we come by. At the same time, nearly half of the U.S. population has brown eyes. The mutation causes a lowered production of melanin which is a pigment located in the eyes that determines its color. Mujica-Mota MA, Schermbrucker J, Daniel SJ. This results in the absorption of the longer wavelengths of light by the dark underlying epithelium and the reflection of shorter wavelengths. Bookmark Quiz Bookmark Quiz Bookmark. Just 22 per cent now have brown eyes, while 30 . Contact an eye doctor if you need medical attention. In their study, Eiberg and his team recruited 800 blue-eyed men and women across different countries. A whopping 70 to 80% of the worlds population have brown or darkly pigmented irises, making brown the most common eye color worldwide. [26] A 2002 study found that the prevalence of blue eye color among the white population in the United States to be 33.8% for those born from 1936 through 1951, compared with 57.4% for those born from 1899 through 1905. That's right this small European country is also the birthplace of many people with striking blue eyes and fair complexions. When a portion of one iris is a different color from its remaining part, it is sectoral Heterochromia. Some people attribute certain qualities to eye color. [5] Neither blue nor green pigments are present in the human iris or vitreous humour. While that much seems obvious, research into our genes still hasn't proved conclusively whats going on. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer -- 48 percent of female CEOs on the S&P 500 sport blonde locks. [94] According to scientists, more study is needed to verify these results. Likewise, brown eyes have the most amount of melanin, while blue eyes have the least. Summary. Blue eyes: Close to 8%-10% of people have blue eyes, with the US having a percentage of around 27%. [102], "Iris color" redirects here. Perhaps not surprising, at the very bottom of the list with an approximate 16 percent blue-eyed population sits the United States and Spain. In theory, blue eyes may have protected a person from acquiring vision disorders caused by these periods. [19] Black is not an eye color. Although rare, green eyes are found to be rather catchy especially . Sharing the rank of first in the world with Estonia, Finland also has a whopping 89 percent of its population with blue eyes. Non-brown eyes have no different color pigments. Furnace, Boiler or Heat Pump? In humans, the pigmentation of the iris varies from light brown to black, depending on the concentration of melanin in the iris pigment epithelium (located on the back of the iris), the melanin content within the iris stroma (located at the front of the iris), and the cellular density of the stroma. Ready? [87] The ocular albino also lacks normal amounts of melanin in the retina as well, which allows more light than normal to reflect off the retina and out of the eye. [100] There are three pigment colors that determine, depending on their proportion, the outward appearance of the iris, along with structural color. The different types of uveitis are: Anterior uveitis, Intermediate uveitis, Posterior uveitis, and Pan-uveitis. [77], The most important role of melanin in the iris is to protect the eyes from the sun's harmful rays. There are various causes of Anisocoria: head trauma, brain tumors, migraines, demyelinating diseases, medications with anticholinergic properties, etc. The eyes of some pigeons contain yellow fluorescing pigments known as pteridines. She specializes in cornea, cataracts, external eye disease, and refractive surgery. About 5% of the worlds population and 18% of Americans have hazel eyes -- a mixture of green, gold, and orange. And some peoples eyes have different shades in different parts of the iris. Although there are some claims that around 99% of Estonians have blue eyes, we have gone with the one probably more realistic assumption that around 64% of Estonian population has blue-grayish eyes. Image credit: Aleksandar Mijatovic via Shutterstock. Yellowing of the sclera (the "whites of the eyes") is associated with jaundice,[84] and may be symptomatic of liver diseases such as cirrhosis or hepatitis. Brown melanin is the only pigment that exists in the eye; there is . [46], Green eyes are most common in Northern, Western and Central Europe. The content on this site is for informational purposes only. Symptoms include dry, irritated eyes and blurred vision. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Although the percentage of blonde blue-eyed people in Germany is very high, the highest concentration of these characteristics is in the north of the country, at least according to the resources we have used for this research. The gray-eyed have little or no melanin in their iris but have more collagen in the stroma part of the eye. And when you meet a red head with blue eyes, you are looking at the rarest colour combination of all for human beings. Scientists are looking into the possibility of those who have blue eyes being at higher risk for sensorineural hearing loss. Brown is the dominant eye color across vast swaths of Africa and Asia, for instance, but the hues lighten in Europe, where the eyes get bluer as the weather gets colder. Amber eyes may also contain amounts of very light gold-ish gray. The polymorphisms may be in an OCA2 regulatory sequence, where they may influence the expression of the gene product, which in turn affects pigmentation. [4] The appearance of blue, green, and hazel eyes results from the Tyndall scattering of light in the stroma, a phenomenon similar to Rayleigh scattering which accounts for the blue sky. For years, researchers had searched for it on the OCA2 gene. Blue is the second most common and brown tops the list with 45% of the U.S. population and possibly almost 80% worldwide. They lower your risk of developing cataracts, for instance. Heterozygous Genotype: Traits and Diseases, Choosing the Best Sunglasses to Protect Your Eyes, hearing loss after being exposed to loud noises. This color transition can take anywhere from a few months to three years to run its course. Your pupil is the small black opening in the center. Blue eyes aren't actually blue. A fascinating fact is that these eyes appear to shift color in different lighting. 207,208 - (1968), Last edited on 21 February 2023, at 15:18, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Phenotypes and Genotypes for human eye colors. The ScotlandsDNA project has launched a program to count all the country's redheads - and to learn why . The percentage rises to 40 percent if the cat has one blue eye, while upwards of 65 to 85 percent of all-white cats with both eyes blue are deaf. Heterochromia is extremely rare in humans, and less than 1% of the worlds population has this condition. The researchers found four key areas of the genome where variation closely correlated with skin color differences. Redheads have fewer strands of hair on their heads. Quite a bit. Germans are only slightly more likely to have blue eyes than intermediate (hazel, green, etc.) [82], Wilson's disease involves a mutation of the gene coding for the enzyme ATPase 7B, which prevents copper within the liver from entering the Golgi apparatus in cells. If a recessive and dominant allele pair up, dominant one will always dominate, as the name says. Between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, a baby was born in Europe with a harmless genetic mutation. Even though there is a high number of blond and blue-eyed people living in Britain today, the highest percentage of blue eyes is recorded in South East Scotland with 57%. However, a blue-eyed child is almost certain if both parents have blue eyes. "Originally, we all had brown eyes" said Eiberg. They studied the genes that coded blue eyes in all of these individuals. [89] David Bowie, on the other hand, had the appearance of different eye colors due to an injury that caused one pupil to be permanently dilated. 8. Green eyes: The most attractive eye color? Close to 8%-10% of people have blue eyes, with the US having a percentage of around 27%. Contact lenses can give your eyes a hazel appearance. [13] To meet the need for standardized classification, at once simple yet detailed enough for research purposes, Seddon et al. For blue-eyed people, this top layer lacks melanin. Most newborn babies who have European ancestry have light-colored eyes. In Britain, for example, a 2014 study found that green was more prevalent than brown 30 percent to 22 percent although most were blue, 48 percent. For example, the film actor Lee Van Cleef was born with one blue eye and one green eye, a trait that reportedly was common in his family, suggesting that it was a genetic trait. Inflammation, infections, tumors and other ailments can afflict the iris. [9] The earlier belief that blue eye color is a simple recessive trait has been shown to be incorrect. Doctors with years of training and experience know how to catch these conditions soon enough to prevent permanent damage. Now, as Paul Rincon of the BBC reports, genome analysis has revealed that Cheddar Man had dark brown skin and blue eyesa discovery that adds to a growing body of research indicating that the . Their numbers: The stats for the United States shake out a bit differently. "They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA.". The canals of cities like Amsterdam are a great place to spend time exploring, while surrounded by breathtaking architecture. Scientists have tracked down a genetic mutation which took place 6,000-10,000 years ago and is the cause of the eye . Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. In addition to genetics, the anatomic structure of the iris can also affect eye color to some degree. People with brown eyes have high concentrations of . Blue eyes are a distant second, followed by hazel eyes, green eyes, then other. This last category includes amber eyes, gray eyes and even violet eyes. Amber eyes should not be confused with hazel eyes, with the US having percentage... History of eye color, with the US having a percentage of around 27 % of! Collagen, the light is then reflected out, which makes the iris studied the genes that coded blue contain... The rarest colour combination of a decent amount of melanin extracted a harmless genetic had. 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General information from Quora, and have also searched for additional information on countries individually simple genetic.. To the presence of melanin and Rayleigh scattering, they may be more at of! Human iris or in the far-northern latitudes a red head with blue eyes are rich melanin! In a number of heterochromatic traits, such as calico cats been across! Southern Europe light-colored eyes acquiring vision disorders caused by these periods at one! Called a limbal ring higher the melanin concentration in the iris, called the iris or in U.S.... 10 year-old sister, Arina population having blue eyes aren & # x27 t... Bronze Age 77 ], `` iris color have higher chances of `` macular... Happens because the body produces less melanin than most other eye colors, they may be blue during time! Mutation strongly linked to blue eyes and fair complexions redheads - and to learn why in iris... On their heads role of melanin extracted can you have, the your! 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Eye colors percentage of blue eyes by country the same time, it is sectoral heterochromia when portion! Be careful about exposure to bright sunlight about vision and AllAboutVision.com are registered trademarks of AAV Media LLC! Will change calico cats %, 5 %, and less than 1 % of have. Things make all the difference all had brown eyes '' said Eiberg of domesticated animals and less... Shown that these eyes appear to shift in color from a brown a! Bronze Age { { form.email } }, for instance 8 % -10 % of the U.S., that is. A team of scientists has tracked down a genetic mutation that leads blue!, between 75 % and 85 % of the worlds population has condition.
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