advantages and disadvantages of clinical supervision in education

Supervision is an invaluable resource for any clinician. We have weekly training sessions. Michael E. Townsend Leadership Academy ( You've really worked hard in learning not only your job, but also as a professional counselor and you've made a valuable contribution to working with our clients. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. She had limited substance abuse treatment experience in a field work placement and sees her current employment as a stepping stone to private practice after she receives her social work license. Through mentorship, personnel can grow professionally, and leadership succession can become a key aspect of the organization and field. This is quite a shift. It may not be something we do so much as the power that the client gives us. To demonstrate supervisory interventions to help the counselor find appropriate professional boundaries with clients. I've heard you present here at the agency on this topic. It doesn't feel very good when there's no communication. ELOISE: Well, I certainly know not to sleep with my clients, or borrow money from them, or hire them to mow my lawn, or take them on trips. ELOISE: I've never really thought about it. GLORIA: Implementing a Latino program was a major positive step forward. Supports professional practice and reflection Supports continuing professional development (CPD) Improves patient outcomes Improves wellbeing Improves work environment and culture Take a look at the video below to hear about the benefits supervision has had for some of our registrants. In these dimensions, peer supervision differs from occasional and unplanned peer consultation, a more informal process. The session ends with a mutual commitment to move to the next stage of implementation.]. Leaders also demonstrate vision, drive, poise under pressure, and maturity of character. GLORIA: You both seem to be clear on what you see works for you and your clients. Once Stan and Eloise have clarified this larger perspective, then it might be more appropriate to come back to the specific issue of the barbecue. When teachers begin to question their own choices, the children will begin to see that and act accordingly., The only reason I did this, was because my principal knew I needed help and wanted for the students to learn, but also for me to grow. Often, however, the mentor may need to be ready with probing questions to help guide the mentee in how to approach their data. Regardless of how difficult it may be, the experiences and interactions are well worth the stresses of management. Embedded in the dialog are additional features: Master Supervisor Notes are comments from an experienced clinical supervisor about the strategies used, what the supervisor may be thinking, how supervisors with different levels of experience and competence might have managed the situation, and information supervisors should have. As you know, counseling is an ever-evolving process, and I think our task is to be able to take what we do well and build on it with new approaches. To understand the resistance and impediments in the field to the implementation of EBPs. I can show you the matrix we'd use to do this. WALT: One of my tasks is to ensure that all of us get training so that any one of you could take over for me if need be. Data analysis is the process of looking at instructional data, such as assessments or observations, to discover patterns that can be addressed by refining the teaching strategy. MELISSA: So, not only are you working with more complex clients but you also have a higher caseload than you had not so long ago. In what ways do you wish to grow professionally? MAGGIE: I have to say that I'm not very happy about this. Business is always up and down, peoples availability changes constantly, new people are hired and let go, and sometimes even seniority comes into question. The ethical question is how long is a client a client? Conclude with Eloise's restatement of what she has learned for the future from this discussion. Also, if the supervisee does not provide the required videotape of a counseling session for review by the supervisor, the supervisor might need to take action, following the organization's policies for progressive discipline. [Jonathan and Ella summarize the advantages of a model for clinical supervision that includes workforce development and a means to implement evidence-based practices, address risk-management issues and vicarious liability, create consistency within the agency, minimize reactivity, address accreditation issues, and support counselor wellness.]. It's not something that we'll become instant experts at. This is a good time to ask questions about their experience, style, and approach to supervision. All In! Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2009. MARGIE: It has been an honor for me to work with you these last 3 years. I feel like we're heading in the right direction. A place to begin would be for us to learn more about how MI can be implemented in the program. According to Gareth R. Jones and Jennifer M. George, authors of Essentials of Contemporary Management, supervising has a wide range of topics that need to be addressed. All Show More Identify issues early on, and discuss actions to resolve these; talk through solutions in a proactive and timely way. [Together, Juanita and Melissa watch the tape, cued to the segment about clients actively drinking while in treatment. Get the facts. But, when we care deeply, we are drawn into the emotional world of our clients. They then discuss what skills they need to develop in the next year.]. WALT: Okay. endobj It's been a while since I was observed, but I don't have any problem with it. Requires monitoring of client care and facilitating professional training. I have a call for papers for a counselors' conference in Cincinnati this fall. 5:05mins. At TherapyMantra, we have a team of therapists who provide affordable online therapy to assist you with issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, workplace Issues, addiction, relationship, OCD, LGBTQ, and PTSD. ], This vignette illustrates how a clinical supervisor can justify a system of supervision, along with time and resource allocations, to agency administrators in the light of recent pressures from the administration to increase billable hours. And, there are many resources available to help you find the right supervisor. Actions in one context might be acceptable, whereas in another they might be harmful. However, I have concerns about our liabilities in general. With these things in mind, you will be on your way to finding the right clinical supervisor for you. Here the word "supervision" means to guide and stimulate the activities of teachers with a view to improve them, i.e., teaching as well as instruction and promoting professional growth. We'll start with your observation of me to give you an opportunity to get your feet wet. October 2015. My clients need decent jobs and to be accepted as Latino men being sober in their community. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. I know we're all buried in forms. As discussed in Part 1, chapter 1, just as there are levels of counselor development, there are also levels of supervisor development. Principals can help teachers by providing trainings, setting up PLCs, and encouraging teachers to work with another., It is not clear whether to allow the student to make that decision individually or should they utilize the available teachers without choosing. In the example of MI, practice reflective and active listening to understand the concerns of those above and below, and to empathize with each group's concerns. Also, this is an opportunity for Kate to demonstrate leadership by not languishing in the present situation, not badmouthing administrators for how this decision was made, while also acknowledging the emotional and professional concerns of staff. The skill of a Level 3 supervisor is to be clear with Eloise about what a dual relationship is without responding out of anger. In this supervisory session, a counselor with marital problems carries this stress into the workplace. I want to grow as a counselor and to develop skills that I can use in my future employment. That's what's important to me. In her position, she needs to make sure a wide variety of tasks are set in place to be completed. Would that be okay with you? [Eloise cries as she expresses her concern for Alicia.]. MARGIE: Further, I'd like you to start doing more staff training, using your clinical experience and conducting sessions for other staff. Most important, MI aids in establishing and enhancing the therapeutic alliance between the counselor and the client. Over the past year we've made incredible progress toward this goal, thanks to all the staff's efforts. It is useful to stress the agency's fiduciary responsibility to ensure the quality of services provided. I have an open-door policy. Level 1 supervisors might have a tendency to be somewhat mechanical in their methods, perhaps needing to assert their leadership and position, and approaching situations somewhat anxiously. WALT: So, we've identified how this works. WALT: Thanks, Carrie. What do you think? pre supervision, post supervision; 1. Often counselors may lack the confidence in themselves to step forward. Master Supervisor Note: At this point Stan might be feeling somewhat defensive and may need to restrain his urge to begin disciplinary action against Eloise for her attitude. Linda said, The best advice to go about handling these situations is to just take care of them as they come, stay calm, and remember that there is always a way to bring your business and all of its parts out of bad waters. After all, you know what a cynic I am. Henceforth, supervision refers to clinical supervision and subsumes supervision conducted by all health service psychologists across the specialties of clinical, counseling, and school psychology. I'm interested if you've ever thought of being acknowledged outside of the agency for what we all know you know. When choosing a model of clinical supervision, it is important to consider your needs and preferences. Methods of clinical supervision were obtained by Morris Cogan and Robert Goldhammer in Harvard around 1960's. Methods of clinical supervision were clarified as: The major implication for clinical practice is supervisors should interact with teachers in the manner that teachers, as individuals, learn best. And about the missed days, I think that is beyond me now. Open submenu (Practice environment case studies for nursing programmes)Practice environment case studies for nursing programmes. Our relationships with the clients and each other are the most important because that's how we serve the clients. It is not about teaching nurses and midwives to carry out a complex procedure at the point of care delivery, but rather entails a critical reflection on recent work experiences that need further exploration and . We all want to know how we're doing, but often we're afraid to ask, to get feedback and be observed. [A discussion continues about Jan's course work in school and her training in the field placement, and how she can continue that learning in the agency. The frequency and method of observation and length of supervision sessions. JAN: I'm not sure. The focus of the supervisor needs to be on improving job performance. If I can help mentor you and others, that will be the icing on the cake of my career. Educational supervision is a complex and heterogeneous process, the nature and quality of which depends on many factors. When I heard your remark, I thought, I wonder what Eloise's intent was and where that's going or what might that lead to? A Level 1 supervisor might react angrily to Eloise's tone of voice, seeing this as a clear disciplinary issue. Master Supervisor Note: A new supervisor might respond differently to Al's comment, in a more mechanical or authoritarian manner, asserting authority, wanting to be the expert, creating an us vs. them scenario. BILL: We take our legal and ethical obligations seriously. Forming relationships with your employees can get difficult, due to the manager's responsibility to recognize that they cannot favor one employee over another solely because they have a personal friendship. MARGIE: Here are some other ideas where you might consider growing professionally: learning about leadership, creating a vision, business and financial management, continuous quality improvement, organizational development, conflict resolution, and on and on. It's important for your own recovery that you stay connected to other people in recovery. JAN [jokingly] I think sometime in the next 6 months. We have done a good job addressing that issue. Work in health and social care can be challenging, and its important that you look after your own health and wellbeing. [Jan explains her work experience in her internship.]. [Kate, Maggie, and Kevin meet over lunch to discuss Kate's new position.]. Consider using self-disclosure to address defensiveness with supervisees. If you are a mental health professional, you will likely need to receive clinical supervision at some point in your career. stream June 2021 In rare . I'd like to hear your ideas about where you see that line for you. Information about how we approve and monitor programmes within the UK for the professions we regulate, Use our search tool to find programmes across the UK, Information on all aspects of our external communications, See the latest updates and information for HCPC registrants. I think videotaping a session or having a supervisor sit in will make the clients nervous, too. (Sergiovanni and Staratt, 1979). March 2021 According to Linda Smith, a supervisor at the Ground Round (a local restaurant), all qualities are very important to her success as a manager at a restaurant establishment. (Glickman, Gordon and Ross-Gordon, 2014, pp. Chapter 2. Walt asks how they can get past those concerns, how they can work together to have further client input into the process.]. Each counselor would be observed in action with a client at least once a month. Be attentive to the counselor's concerns about direct observation. A skillful supervisor would help Eloise see this distinction and help her be better able to make sound ethical decisions concerning the line between dual qualities and dual relationships. Twenty participants meet to create a group of leaders for the field in North Carolina. By meeting with other professionals, you can learn about new resources and opportunities. That works for me and for my clients. Master Supervisor Note: It would be easy for Kate at this point to triangulate the communication, making Gene and Susan the bad guys. However, Kate skillfully identifies Maggie's feelings, provides self-reflection on how she'd feel if in a similar situation, without polarizing the process and the others involved. degree with 6 years of work experience. She also stops by Eloise's office to chat. We know from the exit interviews that the majority of staff who leave complain that we didn't provide as many good training and supervision opportunities as other agencies do to support their learning and self-care needs. Despite its numerous advantages which supervisors have it has several limitations when it is used. STAN: Great observation. Regular, scheduled supervision provides mental health workers with a space to raise concerns and discuss issues with an experienced practitioner. We believe you have a right to supervision for your professional development. Master Supervisor Note: There is a difference between a dual quality to a relationship and a dual professional and personal relationship. 3. I'm confident it will be accepted for presentation. You know a counselor's salary will only stretch so far. To model MI in the supervisor/supervisee relationship. Mentorship is a special kind of professional growth opportunity, differing from other supervisory models. As we learned, clinical supervision of teachers was a concept formed in the 1960s and followed the model used by doctors and other medical professionals. After your brief introduction of the case, we discuss how the session went, what skills were effective, and what areas might be further developed. The State's said, You have to do it. What they haven't said is how you have to do it. The differentiated model of supervision conceived by Glickman, Gordon, and Ross-Gordon Al is in recovery, with 5 years of sobriety and 3 years of experience as a counselor. Requires exploration of personal issues. When orientations clash, conflict or parallel process issues may predominate. [Walt starts a discussion on clinical issues that might be topics for discussion in supervision, such as caseload size and complexity, work with clients with co-occurring disorders, the impact of dual relationships with clients, and confidentiality. In this model, both parties share their knowledge and experience, and the focus is on helping the supervisee develop their own clinical identity. STAN: I understand the dilemma we find ourselves in as counselors. At some point in your career, you were a supervisee. ELOISE: I understand, but part of my recovery program is being in touch with other people in recovery, other people from meetings, like Alicia. After all, for clients in early recovery, their brains are still foggy. Ella, on the other hand, recently attended a 30-hour class on clinical supervision and is seeking her certification as a clinical supervisor. STAN: So, you want others to see you as a professional, upholding boundaries and your code of ethics? Third, I know our organizational development plan calls for us to expand services in the near future. KATE: You, a cynic, Kevin? But what's also important is jobs, not feeling discriminated against, not being asked for ID papers if you've lived here all your life. I understand you have several nondegreed counselors herecertified addictions professionals, with lots of life experience but without advanced degrees. LARRY: If an approach builds the relationship with the client, I'm all for it. Another type of data analysis may involve the mentee going through the transcript of their teaching, and annotating the transcript to identify patterns such as effective or ineffective classroom management. BILL: I'll provide you with as much background in substance abuse treatment as I can and also try to help you develop as a social worker to meet your career goals. STAN: As I said, when you're a counselor to a client, there is always a power differential that we have to be very cautious and very aware of. No, we would not be doing this simply for money. Purpose: To summarize the literature regarding the effect of clinical supervision on patient and educational outcomes, especially in light of the recent (2010) Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education report that recommends augmented supervision to improve resident education and patient safety. What do you think? And we believe strongly that it is important for us to do so for quality assurance and improved client service.. During the interview there were many questions asked about the class discipline strategies used by the teacher, the first one that was addressed was that the teacher first tries to understand the situation of the child personal life., The ten given tips mentioned in the video all seemed to be very effective ones to implement in the classroom if done correctly. May 2022 March 2017 Because it's essential to know ourselves. School Highlights AL: Maybe it would be better if I saw tapes of others doing counseling first. A Level 1 supervisor might respond by saying The timeframe is not negotiable. Clinical supervision endorses the principles of clinical governance, notably those linked to quality improvements and continued professional development. I know that 12-Step facilitation does that. Dr. Rachel Tustin has a PhD in Education focusing on Educational Technology, a Masters in English, and a BS in Marine Science. April 2017 If I had a problem, I could say so. While conducting the observation, the mentor will record data in the form of a transcript or other notes about what plays out in the course of the lesson. Margie's approach is to be a positive, supportive coach and to encourage Betty to begin the professional development and training required to be a supervisor. 1. Mentorship should include something of attraction; people should see something in you that they want. Identifying staff with high potential for advancement is a key function of a supervisor. STAN: I'm glad we agree on those kinds of extremes because dual relationships are a big concern of our agency and staff. [A healthy discussion follows between Kate, Kevin, and Maggie about how to improve the communication process in the future.

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