adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson

In Limbo, Hope finds Landon saying goodbye to his mother as she makes her way to Peace with the Ferryman. Hope explains that Aurora finally admitted that she loved her father and she deserves the honor, especially after the sacrifice she made. His doctors said he's lucky to even be walking. She's still blocked and has nothing. As she waits for the walk down in the street, she wonders where everyone is and Freya tells her about her father's astral projection, while Vincent and Marcel should be there. The man doesn't understand as she questions him about the definition of humanity. That is how she knew how to make the trident. While rummaging through the objects that the leprechaun consumed, she finds the ascendant that she thought Alyssa had destroyed. Hope isn't interested, but he tells her that she's the hunted, not the hunter. Elijah is Hope's uncle and has sworn to protect her. Thanks to Dorian, they understand that they must face a dragon. Hope reveals that she feels the rest of the school is better off without her, however Lizzie tells her that this is not true. MG wants to go get the keys to release her but she refuses. He also said that he wanted help Klaus to protect her, but fearing that Esther will use Ansel to get to his "little girl" he explained to his father that he cannot fail his daughter and must protect her to all the cost. Hope takes it that Aurora has healed, and Lizzie confirms, though she's still unconscious. Marcel accepts the compliment, as it was one of Elijah's old suits. Hope returns to the dock, finding that the Ferryman has also returned. In What, Will, I, Have, Left, she and Roman are on the road acting goofy and talking. In Professor Vardemus' storage room of various artifacts, he's looking for something to help Hope, though she demands for him to hurry up. Being "Clarke" is way better, she reassures him. Hope suffers from guilt over her father's death, believing it to be her fault even years later, but hopes her father can find peace one day. Alaric holds Hope back and Josie picks up the pace with the ritual. Vincent is anchoring the spell, so while her body may be intangible, they are truly in New Orleans, and everything is very real. As Hope turns around to go, Greta appears in front of her and blows some dust on her, knocking Hope unconscious. Rebekah doesn't care for Brandy's attitude, and compels her to run along and change the music. She later goes to Rousseau's and sees that Declan is being attacked by her father, and stops him using magic. The tea was spiked with truth weed and Cleo abruptly leaves despite her not meaning what she said. Hope argues with Alaric in his office, believing he's out of his mind. As a side effect, they share a hallucination based on a story that Lizzie wrote when she was young, as well as a sequel she continued. Lizzie tells Hope that the two need to spend more time together, as she feels she will blow Hope's secret if she spends any time with Landon Hope laughs at this idea, as the two would never have been seen together previously. Hope elaborates that her father stood for family above everything. Hope can't let something worse happen to him because of her, that's not fair. Lizzie questions, if Landon is in fact alive then why haven't she nor MG have found proof before on their recon missions. Malivore, however, begins to wake from the sleeping spell, shocking Wade who's dosed him with fairy dust. She decides to go to Rousseau's to talk to Declan and sees that Elijah is there. Lizzie instructs her to concentrate on what she's afraid of and to imagine filling the box with it. In It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough. Freya appears from behind, remarking that one day they'll meet under happier circumstances. She wonders if they've come to their senses and MG tells her they want to work with her because Alaric has found out a lot about it, including that fire attracts it. Hope relives her worst moment of having to kill Landon. However, everything was right in the world. Faith Mikaelson, twin of Hope Mikaelson, shares the tribid nature and the powers with her sister. Hope reveals that she told him she was a witch, but nothing further. Landon appears with breakfast, but she informs him that he'll be helping Alaric, while she and Cleo spend roomie time together. She asks if Lizzie would like to say anything. Admittedly, she has some time to kill before she has to kill and agrees. Now, they need her help to make the next move. She idolized Hope. Hope has found what she's been looking for and intends to find out just who Ryan wants to be. After Rafael is successful in convincing Landon to return, Hope awakens, and Landon tells her that he will always be with her. Alaric and Kaleb continue to keep their secrets, but Hope decides to take care of Malivore herself. He has four hidden figures covered in sheets. Hope's heartbeat begins to slow and she lays her niece gently on the pillow, holding her hand. Malivore reiterates that this is just a warning in what this fight will cost her. Hope believes she's stronger than the darkness, and she'll be right by her side like last time. With the gentle reminder that many of them are immortal, she asks if Hope would do the honors. After the ceremony the all family takes a photo that they are forced to burn in order to protect Hope and Rebekah decides to take down their mother so their family could be together. inscribed grasping bludgeon. He prepared a nursery next to Hayley's room. Despite that, she'd rather just focus on the good and that's the Josie Saltzman she knows. He smiles at the baby and tries to pick her up, but someone drives a stake through his heart. Hope wonders what it said, but Lizzie hands her the letter because there's something in it for her as well. He presumes there's a reason she is invaluable to winning. She and Ryan have a lot to catch up on. She'd put herself in danger first because she can take it. She and Roman talk more again and they decide to head to New Orleans. After the lunch, Landon wanders into one of the hallways of the school when Hope catches up, she evokes the idea that it's Connor who is responsible for the disappearance of Dana and Sasha but Landon refuses this idea and proposes to follow a girl with a scarf because it could be a clue. Rupert flips the conversation back to her, wondering how becoming a tribrid has made her so cruel. The Mikaelsons reunite to lay Klaus to rest and appeal to Hope's humanity. She doesn't know if she can handle what comes after. Hope and Rafael leave on their side to continue searching for Landon, they have a discussion about Landon and Hope's bad popularity at school. Extending a pinky finger, she asks Lizzie to stick with her until the bitter end. She asks if he's happy. Her fight is here, with her. With a booming voice, he demands for them to hand over his traitorous daughter. Recent Posts. He knows he's asking a lot, but when he was at the school he overhead Dr. Saltzman and Professor Vardemus' conversation. Alaric stands to reason that if Cleo summoned one monster, perhaps she can do it again. Legacies is the third CW series to take place in the popular Vampire Diaries universe, and the first to focus specifically on the character of Hope. In Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost, Hope and Lizzie track Aurora to a diner. In What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams?, Hope is overprotective of Landon who is the only notable human to attend the school and is keeping his mother's death a secret from him as he believes they haven't ever met. She tells him she's not going to train him as she's afraid he'll get hurt or die in the process. The spell is to help her to release things, specifically, what she's afraid of. She tells Hope a fairy tale based on her father and New Orleans. Clarke agrees, admitting that Malivore is trying to expel her, but he will not allow Clarke to go and therefore closes the vortex each time he attempts to escape with her. Finch believes that to be a good thing, but Hope believes that it's not if she was to ever lose her way again. Freya was, and still is, sad for her. She's only getting started and demands to know where he sent Landon. He tells her the baby is doomed anyway with a father like Klaus. Seeing that Landon is dead, Hope takes him to the woods. She tells them that Esther was behind all this. He marks it as "fragile" but she's sure it's going to the right place. Not long, Hope makes her way to an estate and asks the Butler to let the vampire know the witch and wolf are dead. The three starts to argue and it is when Alaric joins them for say that a fire-breathing woman running through the woods, that they calm down. When Hope activated her tribrid nature, she turned off her humanity and fled Mystic Falls. Listening to Cleo's conversation with Kaleb, she tells Cleo that she's right. Following this, another vortex opens within Malivore and tries to suck Hope in. However, behind the doors of the cell, she sees her humanity-less self who questions if she really thought she got rid of her. She is the first and only hybrid of all three supernatural beings in The Vampire Diaries/The Originals universe (witch, werewolf, and vampire).Due to this her potential is unknown but she is frequently referred to as the most powerful supernatural alive and as . Hayley tells her she's proud of her. Wade tells them that they score another hit on Ken, but he's confused about what's changed. Hope reminds her about the sire bond, though Lizzie can't forget considering what Hope is forcing her to do. Once her humanity returns, Hope leads her friends in the final battle against Ken. She has bright light-colored blue eyes and full lips. He is surprised, but throws Hope into a filing cabinet, revealing himself to be possessed by the oni. Legacies is a spinoff show of The Vampire Diaries universe that focuses on a school for children with supernatural abilities. With the girl gone, Hope intends to leave, but Lizzie refuses and wants to help. Landon, now the Ferryman in Limbo, returns several fallen Salvatore group members to life, which lends to her winning the battle. Hope Daniella Gilbert Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former majorly recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Malivore arrives just in time to witness Hope's complete transition. She gave Rebekah the Mikaelson necklace as it was probably spelled by Freya and the reason Rebekah found her. Landon doesn't actually know that and Limbo's is kind of a big place. When they arrive at school, Hope walks to the library, Alaric comes up behind her, asking what she's doing here, she gives a book that would help kill the gargoyle and Josie joins them. Dr. Goodfellow subtly persuades her that she's known him his whole life. The Salvatore School opens their doors for the next class of supernatural beings to teach them how to be heroes. She questions if what she's planning is a mistake then it won't work and confronts the Ferryman. MG isn't wrong, though, as he reminds her how she has a habit of prioritizing Landon at all costs. When the memories of Hope returned to those closest to her, it complicated Landon's feelings towards both girls. In order to get him back, she may have pissed off a lot of people in the process, something that runs in her family. He questions if she ran every part of her plan through the Manticulum and wants to know what it said when asked about the last move. MG is also upset, as she has gone against his plan again. Cleo is reluctant to believe her, however and asks her if she would be happy if she left. She's not alone and has friends that will never give up on her. Hope sometimes jokes with Alaric saying that she'll need a new fighting mentor being Alaric is growing older. She's the first person who's been honest with her, but is still intrigued about the school. It's spelled to make quiet things heard. Hope has rejoined the others with Ken, the last remaining on the field. She inherited her werewolf gene from both of her parents, while her vampire and witch legacy came from her father who is the Original vampire-werewolf hybrid and the son of the Original Witch. The character Hope Andrea Mikaelson plays a vital role in the mythology of the Vampire Diaries universe at large. She made a painting for him. Hope also admits that she may have accidentally started a chain of events that has led to the gods returning to our world and she's pretty sure those gods want her dead. He dumped her and said that she should get over it. She still doesn't believe him. Rebekah had to try, just like her father would have tried. As they make their way to the Grand Hall, they're greeted by the other students and Alaric with a pre-victory party. She questions if it's Peace, but doesn't get an answer. She's tried everything to destroy the sarcophagus, and nothing has worked. Hope immediately suspects it to be a trap, but learns that Josie tricked her into coming because of her anger over her breakup with Landon. However, they need her muse powers to lead the way to bring her, and Landon, home. He then gives her a kiss on her forehead and on her cheek. Cleo arrives at the Old Mill moments after the golem's destruction and stabs her stomach, pinning her against a wall. Completely recovered, Hope advances to face Ken. Hope, however, does because she spent her whole life being a hero where he wasted centuries being a villian. She believes that Malivore has already taken possession of Landon as his vessel. The prison world is crawling with monsters, and if the leprechaun was any indication, more might be coming. When Alaric, Hope and Lizzie are plagued, Josie saves them by using a fireball to destroy the mummy. Lizzie wants to know what she must do to get this over with and Hope gives her a final test. Elijah and Hayley also express their concern for the safety of the baby. Hope tells her that they'll be watching Gremlins. She's the new girl and her roommate, and things were going great until they got into a big fight. Wade questions about the potential death should they help her, but Hope reiterates that some would die, or it could be all of them. In Rebirth, Hope is living with Rebekah. Alaric steps in and tranquilizes her, much to Malivore's enjoyment of the show, now keyed into the workings of a plan. The letter ultimately wishes her well and hopes that she will live out the rest of her eternal life doing all the things they talked about. She believes she has to be happy no matter what, otherwise she feels it will never come back. And as long as the baby lives people will try to kill her. Finding Landon is. It's been the honor of her life to fight by their side. Hope slams the thermostat-turned-dark object into Aurora's chest and activates it with a spell. She talks to her uncle Kol and he gives her an idea, which she contemplates. In the meeting of the members, she votes against the acceptance of Landon, claiming that he is not safe and that they will not always be able to protect him from the other students. They talk to Dorian but he forbids them to go back to school, the girls wonder why they can't and why he researches the gargoyles. Ryan refuses, citing he has responsibilities, a job, and a relationship now. The way she lived her life earned her the option of finding peace when she died. However, in season two's The Brothers That Care Forgot, Esther had found Rebekah whilst she is with Hope at the park, this is signified by the presence of starlings. They need her help, just not this version of her. Davina later comes to the cemetery to talk to her, she tells her that she is not well and that she doesn't want to attend Freya's wedding because her guilt will ruin the day but Davina retorts that it's her absence which will ruin the day and that even if it's hard she must live the moment. Hope admits that she feels free after turning it all off, as though she can finally be who she wants and go where she wants. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is a main character on Legacies and a former recurring character on The Originals, before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Vamping to a door, she leaves the chambre de chasse as the keys fall and scatter to the floor. Klaus changed for her and she saw in her everything that she couldn't have. Ken claims she will die alone, but Lizzie stands beside her, joining the fight. The Necromancer denies this. However, Landon moved away from Mystic Falls they lost contact for two years. As Lizzie guides the students, Hope continues to think about Landon and her magic begins to run wild. Losing Landon won't be easy, but is sure that out of them he'll have the easiest time finding peace. If she was in control of their mind, then this stake would have been red oak. The Last Tycoon only ran for nine episodes, but Russell's Darla Miner appeared on six of them. In Wild at Heart, Hayley chooses to take Hope to stay at the Abattoir not wanting to stay at her and Jackson's apartment now that Jackson is dead and leaves Hope's her favorite toy. But I've learned the only real difference is just who's telling the story. The blood of her daughter brought her back to life, she is in transition. According to Dahlia, as a firstborn of their bloodline, Hope has inherited great, but devastating power. Hope has another question. His loyalty and love for Hope is unwavering despite the extreme situations, as he's willing to protect her even at the cost of his own happiness or life. He's almost insulted. She was unique, like when he found out he was a fairy. The creature begins wailing, emitting a high-pitched scream that forces the girls to cover their ears until Cleo gains enough sense to cast a spell to cause the creature's mouth to be magically bound. Josie believes they could die and forces herself through the circle and grabs Lizzie, sharing the pain and dark magic. She is interrupted by Lizzie, however, who tells her that her life is in danger. She also thanks him and admits that he was right, too, about her dad being in the play. Josie recovers and is no longer her dark alter-ego. Vincent sends Hayley a note, via a spell, telling her that he knows how to cure her though she needs to come back to New Orleans. After that, they can go after Aurora. Hope is defending herself that, she was not in the game and therefore she shouldn't be punished but Alaric answers that she knows what she did, referring to the use of black magic and that's why she's punished. Hope explains that this is her home and she doesn't know who she'd be without it. Lizzie loses control over her magic, causing several popcorn containers of carnival goers to explode, proving her point. She's right. Hope takes the opportunity to vamp Aurora to safety at the Old Mill. Landon appears behind her, wondering if she's talking about him or her dad. Although it's a bit selfish, she knows that her father saw the entire world and New Orleans was his home. Hope wants her to answer that, because she's the one wanting to be human again. Alaric and Dorian talk. But Hope quips that they don't because she will. She admits that she is but is looking for someone, with Dorian admitting that all of the students have gone home for the summer. Maybe after they find Aurora, Lizzie wonders if Hope might not release the sire bond, believing she's not ready to face the world alone. Like her, she had a solid plan B, which was running away. She grows bored when Cleo reads Landon's final letter, even lashing out at her and Finch. She knows that things haven't gone the way he imagined, and maybe his mission statement has failed, but she concludes that makes him just like the rest of them. Cleo comes and claims the spear for herself and clarifies this is her judgment as a Fury. Hope instructs Alaric to take Kaleb back to the school and she'll handle Malivore. Angered, she breaks the salt circle, sending Davina back to the Ancestral Plane and frees Klaus. He assumes she's dead, in transition, because she's going to bring an end to Malivore. We are a thousand years of emptiness, an endless parade of slaughter. Hope adds, who's never around, her father is an alcoholic vegetable, and her sister left her behind for a walkabout. This was why Esther lived when Hayley meets her. He tells her that happiness is an emotion, so that's a tricky one to answer. Likewise, turning to Freya, she wonders if she feels guilty for being the one who killed her. Hope breaks off a piece of wood and hands it over, seeing what Lizzie is willing to do. In Dance Back from the Grave, while Rebekah is prisoner forms a spell cast by Papa Tunde, Elijah bites Hayley so he can use the power of the baby's blood to unbalance the spell as the baby is revealed to be a Quarter Witch as well. Hope stays and explains that she used to date his brother and Trudy, wanting to meet Ryan's friends, invites her in. Kaleb dreads the fact that Hope doesn't agree to cure MG but she does. Rebekah makes a face, revealing that he's told a story to Hope. Ben has Ken attack MG, but Wade reads from the manticulum that he's just fast enough to save Lizzie. Landon appears to her, apologizing for interrupting. Hope watches as Lizzie begs Josie to kill her with Kurruta's blade, ending the oni and her suffering. In Every Mother's Son, Hayley says that she will be glad to kill Esther as she wanted to kill Hope. Kol explains that they're trying to decide where to spread her father's ashes and they're bickering about what to do. He wants to give this to her and asks why she needs to see her dad and wonders if it's worth losing yet another piece of him. Despite her asking not to involve her family, Landon rebuttals her. Cleo didn't believe anyone would come for her, but she and MG did. Back in his office, Hope questions why Alaric is no longer at the Salvatore School, but he dismisses the idea as a long story. Clarke tells Hope that he can help her, but she rebukes him and uses a mimic spell, forcing him to leave her alone. Out in the woods just at the perimeter of the Salvatore School, Cleo asks Hope what they are doing. Despite persistent questioning of the Necromancer by Alaric, nobody is sure of the reason of Hope's sleep. She explains that when her emotions are heightened, being a vampire is indescribably beautiful, but she asks her what is the point if she can't appreciate it. The show kicks off two years after the events of The Originals, and largely concerns the 17-year-old Hope's efforts to navigate life at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. Hope remains confident as Josie snaps her fingers. Lizzie believes to have a handle on her powers just as well as Hope does; her mother is even a vampire, she reminds her. Lizzie even mentions that her friends are going to come look for her as soon as they find out what happened. However, everyone loses someone they love eventually, but feeling that loss means that you have done something right. Freya tells her that Kol speaks the truth. They explain that it's a promise of new life and a life full of promise. The spell fails and they're expelled from the therapy box. Alaric is concerned that Ryan won't show up, but Hope remains confident that he will.

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