Right about that time, unfortunately, a huge wage was forming, and was starting to come my way. The next day when the computer asked me to order it food, I didnt question it and ordered that food right away. I always make friends on the farms, but once I get to know them, the harvest is over and my family needs to move to find more work. Its so embarrassing. First Place Winner! If youre done with the tea, dear, you can just set it on my desk. This isnt happening. Ugh. So, from now on I will call you Courage. Oh my God, I left it charging in the car. The beast came into my home and ruined my stuff. In my opinion, girls should just say what they mean and not send hidden messages. Why did I even say wedding?! It turns out, in the middle of my most desperate moment, my mirror self was wreaking some serious havoc in my life by being mean to everyone and destroying my reputation! (Jumps off stool and moves off camera. Not even GoodLife can save him. In fact, Scripture asserts that Lucifer started . (Pause.) Third Place Winner! Is thatohmyohmyTAMALES! Fine, I will eat this chocolate bar for 20 bucks. The stupidest thing Ive done? Can't play on this device. Ive moved on. By: Madison Fannin, Age 15, Tennessee, USA Description: A child confronts their family after being ignored for two weeks. One Day Soon, He'll Regret Throwing You Away. I tell him that he is the only person on the street that Ill give money to. Silly old me. The baby is rescued and is eventually taken home and raised by a sensitive social worker (Jessica Lange) who decides to raise and adopt the hyper-active, crack-addicted baby as her own. He pushed her into the mantel, and I watched it all happen. As one of the most well-known monologues about death on the list, this oration by Romeo will have audiences eating out of the palm of your hand and reaching for the tissues. Ricky was irksome, but, boy, did he love disco. Jeanine whats wrong with you? We have been through thick and thin, (and angel hair) fighting our adversaries and overcoming hurdle after hurdle. No, I dont really want to be like my parents. Even though it wasnt part of my route, I ran right over to the parking lot and sat down outside the gates. (looks at phone nervously) Uh oh! Anyways he said the tailgate was open and he saw there was stuff in the back and he didnt want it falling out on me. Ed is visited by the memory of his daughter Kristen who airs her grievances while he tries to drown her out by playing his trumpet. My spaceship also brought a small blimp to Venus. It was getting late, so I started to hitchhike. He's got to do his homework like everybody else." "Ask the director of the movie," Marc's father adds. A comment was made that this movie has a bad ending. Ohh. I think what my life would be like if I was him. My little brother is supposed to write an essay about the civil war. I could mention offhand that I am, in fact, an Eagle Scout. Riddle me this why should an innocent teenager be bombarded with all of this, this pink, red, artificial, sugary sweetness when just going to the store to pick up some Doritos? I even had a horse! I am the only one who passed? There! Genre: Comedic. Even in the last days of his life all he could think about was you. Oh, what did I do? Ive got a date. Im, Im just going to say it. Rest in peace little Missy, my pretty kitty, Ill never forget you. Those moments Ill never forget, and theyll always be ours. She is now speaking into the phone.) She was like (Turns dramatically to the side, lowers glasses and hunches over, shaking a finger, mimicking granny.) Of course you do. But just a little. He buys me anything I want. It was the top of the 8th and the LG Twins led by four. One good thingI have a pet. Margaret's heart goes out to the baby, who, along with illnesses brought about by neglect, suffers from emotional and educational problems often associated with children whose mothers used cocaine during pregnancy. But he wont believe that everyone says that. (pause) No, really. Yes, the Versace one. And I need to point out that in no way did I encourage this. Its fine. Vivian Bearing is a literal professor that has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. My dad works a lot and I think thats why hes mad all the time. Actor can come up with a variety of challenging and funny physical antics and facial expressions.). Music still plays softly, most likely Green Day now. Lets just cut this short okay. / We rowed across the Hudson at dawn / My friend, William . I walked out of the class knowing I aced it. Where was I? Brittney, you can keep Esteban. I didnt know all of the pressure that it would be. In the basement of the inn, a small sealed box sits in the center of the room. Since the bears house, Ive stayed in some of the finest places in the world! I just want to be a normal kid. I cant even remember what it was over, but things got pretty heated. Gender: Female Genre: Comedic. This is the most heart-wrenching feeling in the world I can feel all my happiness fall into the black pit that lives inside. Well. It was a normal day at the club, or what we call normal. RIP Uncle Wyatt: if only you had seen that bird headed straight for your jugular. Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 18:50, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Losing_Isaiah&oldid=1142139604, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 18:50. My purpose is to defeat the dark matter plaguing the universe. (shaking head) I knew I never shouldve taken this route. Ill just tell everyone you eat your boogers. In frustration, you offer him one, hoping no one else is witnessing the exchange. And you know what else really gets my vines in a twist? Chairete! By: Alayna Hall, Age 11, South Carolina USA Description: A unique take on the story of Pompeii. It came from out of nowhere like I dont even know how the monkey got where I was so it could poop on my head specifically. By: Matilda T., West Gosford, NSW, Australia, Age 8 Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: The Goddess Persephone tells of her life with her beloved Hades in the underworld. In . Are you okay? By: Addison Steffer, Age 14, Texas, USA Description: A villain gets a phone call from their mother while fighting a hero. (pause) Are you suffering, George? My job is a living nightmare. I do not like this movie. Before you know it, everyone is asking where they can get a piece. She explains what she saw down at the bridge on the lake. No! Wed probably run into some college kids playing basketball, and Id definitely get hit with the ball. Of Student Council not the governmentobviously. If you turned Andromeda to stone Athena would be furious. I told him I did too. It is so LAME. I could tell him I was late for work. Yeah, I know this flight to England costs a lot of money, but he is worth it, anything for my hubby! No soy nada, but I want to be someone, someone better than what I am now. Sounds like a horrible thing to say, but he didnt love me. The man I knew was short-tempered, distant and narcissistic. Darling, listen to me. People are always going to remember me as the person who couldnt perform, the person who cant ever talk in front of a crowd. My daily routine. Her behaviour throughout the film is quite plausible and quite understandeable. He will fix us. but you never do. Hi! By:Brooke E., Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, Age 14 Gender: Any Genre: Comedic Description: A student finds an extra credit science assignment is going horribly wrong as overgrown dough attracts a wave of deadly pigeons. Until then, Ill just sit back and enjoy the show. You got that from me, you got that from me.. (pause) Anyway, what are you doing tonight? Actor should be quite emphatic, triumphant even, in his delivery. Feel free to take a few of the peppermints, I saw you eyeing those. But trust me, if you say anything to the police, I will never forgive you for that. No stabbing. I know she saw the end coming, but she kept folding. The medicine is a temporary fix, but temporary isnt forever. Listens to someone in the audience.) [POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOLLOW] Biological mother Halle Berry makes a very intelligent decision when she enlists the help of Jessica Lange (as the boy's foster mother) in raising the child. You never changed, you were a patient listener, my courageous sidekick in every battle, and my trusted confidant. You dont know who you are. Someone who knows me well enough might call me a liar. Wait a minute. Henry is about to leave to find his daughter when Tink stops him. I thought only bad kids had those. Come onAnd I disconnected from the lesson. This is an involving story that provides a balanced account of an emotional issue and if you're really paying attention, you will find your alliance with the protagonists in this story switching from time to time. Hey, why arent there any posters hung up in Ms. Daniels room? Her name is Eve. The cable is going to snap and Im going to fall hundreds of stories. I mean, it says on the menu: warning: consumption of raw meat or poultry may cause food poisoning, but it doesnt say anything about consumption of food prepared by meat or poultry! But thats okay. Gender: Female Genre: Comedic. Now just take your hands off the gun and put them on the table where I can see them or the watch gets it. I am in LOVE! Finally, my mom entered the room, so I shouted to her, Mom! Glad to hear it. Understand that we, as boys, will never understand the mind of a girl. How about this: if you guys dont tell anyone that Im here, I will make meals for you, clean your cottage, mend your clothes, take care of you when you are sick, and this will be our little secret. Genre: Dramatic. (waves) Im waving, see? So, if you do want a job here you will have to make an oath that you will never step foot in a Bath and Body Works ever again. As I walked down the street, I heard something come from a nearby alleyway. I guess thats why long dresses dont like me because I already have my own. The ones that have no shame hurting people. Along the way, the VSCO sister found a great spot to take some pictures for the gram. I shouldnt ask for more. Face the wall and practice hitting it with the tips of your swords. He doesnt need you. (Female, Dramatic, Teens 20s) Until you realize youre alone. You were all I needed, and now Im so alone. That first day, when I walked into the school, I looked around and I realized I didnt belong there. I just want to go home, man. The only thing I can do now is go home, because I cant stay here. I had so many things planned, and it was supposed to be the best day ever. I hate getting on a scale and feeling like its screaming at me to get off. The troll grunts something unintelligible and pulls your pencil out of his pocket. Genre: Comedic (Astronaut enters, tripping and staggering) Sorry, sorry, my legs are still getting use to gravity. Eventually, Dad stopped coming to dinner. Strong support is provided by Samuel L. Jackson and LaWanda Richardson (the real-life spouse of Jackson)as Lange and Berry's attorneys, David Straithern as Lang'es husband, and Daisy Prince as Lange's daughter. She was so still. Mom. The mystery club is waiting. If you ever get to meet his family, you will love them! Maybe someday. I realized that my younger brother, Colin, is taller than me. I shot him twice in the head. We need you in the fifth-grade classroom. People tell me how much Im like her, and it drives me crazy. That was definitely a costly mistake. You get your drivers license and suddenly its like a whole world has opened up. I know its terrible, but I really needed to get that off my chest. Last night my world was shattered. You found me just in time! He interacts with so many girls, you never know who may be eyeing him. I know I made a huge mistake that could cost hundreds of lives, but if I can fix it, then its not the end of the world. You both should get back to school and when you guys have left home, I will too. Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, do as youre told! Here it is. That was a pretty low point for me, I gotta admit. Oh, and sorry about the hot dog guy, he made me mad when he got my order wrong. Starts again in announcer voice.) Genre: Dramatic, (Actor sits in a chair as though he/she is on the witness stand being questioned by the prosecutor.). This one change in my life would have a ripple effect on my life forever. No! On this warm summer evening. What a childhood Ive had, with a tiger by my side! (Turns back to phone) They said no. Genre: Comedic. Hi, um I know, I know. I know who started the zombie virus (pause) its me. Give me that salad. Watch premium and official videos free online. Seeing the waves reach all the way out from the deep to the shore, I couldnt help but think of what a perfect day it would be for surfing. Most people would love to be me. I walked around and realized my mirror self was gone! But in my opinion, youre the most selfish person I know. Ultimate Grand Supreme is still yours. Fine. Were going with Aladdin rubbing a magic lamp to summon you instead, says Bob. So now Im a big, blue blob! (nods) Yeah, I sure hope so. Who am I kidding? HOW DO YOU TURN THE CAMERA OFF? Here I am. Im scared one day Ill walk through that door and my mom will be hurt so badly that I cant help her. But its a snail. Just because were different colors and we speak different languages, doesnt mean either of us is better than the other. Halle Berry is the birth mother who cleans up her life and sets out to reclaim the child. So, I might have given her a little more. Im probably the prettiest woman on the whole planet. Maybe he needs a friend. Stealing the Teachers Edition textbook helped I guess. Have a good day at work! Wake up Nicole. He was British and personality-wise hes pretty eccentric. As I walk away, I think about how this man had changed my life. I cant make sense of it. First Place Winner By: Amber Leanne Rothberg, Age 12, Massachusetts, USA Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A friend consoles another friend after a death. Then I realize I dont say it very often. I feel like Im going insane, and I(Gasping for breath and trailing off)I (Wiping her eyes) You gotta let me go. Every test I took in middle school was a breeze. Ive never been the victim of bullying. I wasn't asking, I was telling. (Turns to hero) How do you silence your phone? First Place Winner! Just calm down. Doesnt mean I am dangerous or that I need protecting. (Kid has taken all those things.) Sometimes she would know when I had a bad day and would always make me feel better. But a snowman told me thats not true. Neither of those happened. Then they talked me into going over to the zoo to see the new habitat for the turtle that had been just added. Hi. It actually isnt. Also, we believe that those who are drawn to GoodLife are kind of chosen people. Oh, thats right. By: Iris Barrera, California, USA, age 13 Description: A chatty receptionist scares off a person who comes to interview for a job. Are you still scared about tomorrow? Im really bad at this ignoring your best friend because she stabbed you in the back, showing you the cold, merciless person she really is after thinking you knew her since kindergarten, arent I? GET OFF MY COMPUTER. Ive been thin all my life. Dont turn the lights on. Thank you for always being there for me. Right now, if I told you that I knew how to time travel, would you go back to that night when you got drunk and ran naked into the pond behind my house? You know, my boyfriend tells me Im an (does air quotes with fingers) overprotective and jealous girlfriend, but he just doesnt understand. You want to scream, What is wrong with you? Everyone who ever loved me took a part of who I was. And, if its a life you want at the end of this, go home. I dont look like everyone else, and I dont know how to fix it. Instead of writing down the numbers, I downloaded multiple calorie counting apps and fasting apps. Thats why you shouldnt be scared Anna, youll love Middle School, I promise. I know you have a right to privacy and you dont have to tell me anything. Hey, you in the back, quiet down. He constantly runs away from you, scratches up everything you own, and attacks your face if you get too close. I literally get paid to beat up people like you. I began to tear up, and you just opened your eyes and smiled. Thats why it hurt so much when you moved away. (Moment of realization) Ok so maybe Im like totally petrified. (pause) Ok, Mom, I have to go, just dont call me while Im working, ok? O, how may I Call this a lightning? I did well enough in that college to earn a Green Card and a scholarship to Wesleyan University. A little bit gross. Yells as he exits.) This film is very thought-provoking, though I think for the wrong reasons. Well, yknow what? I did remember to bring the glasses though so drink up because whatever we dont drink, Robert will. To sport would be as tedious as to work; But when they seldom come, they wished-for come, And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents. The Daverns Inn is up for sale, and it must be sold. I tried to fight fire with fire, but there are too many. I just want things how they used to be: when my parents were happy, when we were all happy. Please come back and fix everything. Funny how these things work. I can hear you. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. Every day you wake up and put on multiple outfits and hope one isnt too revealing or slutty or hope its not too boring or basic because the standards people set for you are either high or low and you have to meet the standard or you have to go above and beyond to prove that you are something. For all the movies that waste our time, this one helps to make up for it. Wow. Jeez. We are being held as if we were lab rats. Without Milton, I would never have escaped to New York. I waded through the water, trying to keep from being pushed back by the rising waves. That would feel sooo good. Sometimes, I simply feel there is no reason to wake up in the morning. LaTanya Richardson plays Caroline Jones, the attorney Kadar Lewis squares off against in court; in real life, Richardson and Jackson are married.CREDITS:TM \u0026 Paramount (1995)Cast: Halle Berry, Regina TaylorDirector: Stephen GyllenhaalProducers: Kimberly Brent, Naomi Foner, Hawk Koch, Sharon OwyangScreenwriter: Naomi FonerWHO ARE WE?The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Say goodbye to your children.(He grins and starts playing the flute again.). Is that my school picture? Just long enough to be a big presence in your life. Finally, the Losing Isaiah script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Halle Berry and Jessica Lange movie. Question mark, Period, Semicolon, and all the rest of you, I know youre with me on this. Its not like uh cheating at tetherball! But its, its weird to think shes becoming a hero for it isnt it, the cranes I mean? I slowly backed away, but it was too late. Even though there are all of these scary things happening, all of these good things happen too. Yeah, theres all kinds of scuses for whippin me. Well Im also going there to watch people get sunburns and then sell them GoodLife sunscreen and a promise of a better future. I have not, and will not, ever try chocolate. My favorite book is Platos symposiumand why you may ask? No response from Jayla) You know what, do whatever. Or you put on your favourite pair of jeans and nobody notices. Check them out below. Last night, I had a dream. Ill bet youre sorry you asked. Im sorry did you just ask me why, because Im heading to the beach to relax. If he hadnt made me fall in love with him, I never would have been turned into this! I saw you from across the street, and I just gotta say, I love your Halloween costume! Two women who come together to give this child all the love that they can. Ma! He said he still loved me, he just didnt want to be tied down anymore and mom, I respect that and were still friends. Brick Top : No, all bets are off at the bookies, you can't change fighters. No wait. Cause Im popular, and Im running unopposed. Genres FictionMedia Tie In. I first maneuvered that path when I was younger than most of you are now. I dont think I learned a single thing in his class. You know what, maybe Baby Erk isnt so bad? The big guy had us come in just so we could talk about making a creature of power that can eat anything. Now Im not a god who would say, Oh My Gosh! No? I have since learned that girls are impossible. It describes people like me who dont identify as either a boy or a girl. It will be better if Im dead. Really? THEYRE COMING FOR US! You thought I was bad before? My skin color, for some strange reason, is a threat to you? Because it involves you. Seriously. For real? Hesitates.) I am not and never will be a joke act! Not surrounded by paparazzi and obsessive fans. Marta is a Romanian teenager who has been lured away from home with the promise of a job as a translator in England. They show how Ive been hurt, but also how Ive healed. Now to talk about why I was in the hospital. People can take one look at you, and make a judgement that lasts a lifetime. If I fail my chemistry test today, or spill Pepsi on my dress at prom, or flunk my first job interview, or anything else that can and will go wrong in the next week, the same rain that is soaking through my socks right now will carry on. On I will call you Courage room, so I started to hitchhike nods... Was irksome, but he didnt love me is very thought-provoking, though I think my... Was supposed to be like if I was telling I realized that my brother! Dont really want to be: when my parents hands off the gun and put them the... A scale and feeling like its screaming at me to get off a.! 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