You, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Those who do not have "ears to hear" are spiritually dead and cannot obey God until they respond to His work in their hearts (John 6:65; Romans 11:8). Jesus was in heaven with God, but voluntarily became a man for our sakes. David Treybig is a husband, father and grandfather. Dont become lukewarm about Gods way of life! The culture of the city had infiltrated the church, and the members didnt know how spiritually wretched and weak they were. If were doing something hoping that it will bring ourselves glory or accolades or pats on the back, then were not doing for God. Lets remember the overall lesson from Christs message to Laodicea. There should be no hesitation in rushing to the door and flinging it open. It was about 100 miles east of the port city of Ephesus. The positive aspect is that if someone does hear his voice, and does open the door, Jesus will come in. Hot water is only effective while it is hot. By knowing and obeying the Word of God, you will be trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Six miles to the north, the town of Hierapolis sat on the top of the cliffs overlooking the valley. In short, to be a cold, Christian is to serve as Jesus served. As Jesus warned in His Olivet Prophecy, But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. As the faithful and true witness, Jesus is relaying to us what he heard from God the Father. Transliterations show us how to pronounce the word, whereas translations give us meaning of the word. The town was built, perhaps unwisely, on a geological fault from which noxious vapors and hot mineral water escaped. It was the perfect water for drinking, cooking, or even bathing. It is the foundation of wisdom. Article URL:, Although there was much gold in the city, the riches that really matter are spiritual in natureknowing and practicing Gods truth (, Although Laodicea had a reputation for producing excellent-quality garments from the wool produced in the area, the Bride of Christ will be dressed in fine linen, clean and bright representing the righteous acts of the saints (, Although Laodicea produced medicine for healing various eye ailments, the most important things we need to see are spiritual. eye salve. Youre going to have to spend time reading the Word, studying the Word, memorizing the Word, meditating on the Word, and obeying the Word. Laodicea was a city that was so rich; it minted coins that bore the images of Apollo, Asclepius, and Zeus.16 The reproach in verse 17 assumes that the Christians in Laodicea were also rich, as the passage would have no meaning to poor people. One of these is what the Bible calls the deceitfulness of riches (Matthew 13:22; Mark 4:19). The keys, according to this passage, are becoming skilled in the Word of God (by which we define righteousness) and practice (through which we gain experience). The verse is not talking about salvation; it is talking about usefulness or purpose. So what does it cost to purchase eye salve from Christ? If anyone hears My voice and opens the door. Jesus knows what it is like to be human. White clothes. The problem seems to be in their motives. His names include: the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness and the Beginning of the creation of God (verse 14). It can only come by the revelation of Jesus Christ to the believer, and then must be developed by way of training in righteousness (Hebrews 5:14) and prayer (Ephesians 6:18). There are a couple of points that I need to make here that you might not have seen before. They think they have need of nothing because they are saved and on their way to heaven. The stone and salve were later imported throughout the Greek and Roman world but their first known use and preparation was in Laodicea. And it fits not only with the larger context of Jesus' teaching; it fits perfectly with the flow of this passage. As we await the return of Jesus Christ to earth, we need to avoid becoming callous to Gods way of life and His expectations of us. Is that type of failure even possible for an angel? Confession is the mind moving the lips; repentance moves the heart. Listen that you may live, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you. Buying gold tried in the fire from God requires several things from us: He was very careful about whom he called friend. Jesus never referred to anyone who was not his disciple as a friend. For example, lets say that I issued instructions for you to sit either on the left or the right side of the room but not in the center. The word for love used in this verse is not agape but phileo. In the New Testament, a believer dies with Christ to live a new holy life in the power of Christ's resurrection and identification with Christ's suffering (Romans 6:1-11, Galatians 2:20; Philippians 3:8-10). Whatever were doing, or however were serving, we need to examine our hearts and our motives and see if were doing it for the right reason. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. According to Roman writer Tacticus, Rome offered to pay for the city to be rebuilt, but the people declined, saying that they were wealthy enough to restore their own city. Verse 14 leaves no doubt the Jesus Christ is the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. The phrase he who has an ear qualifies everyone who will listen and obey. It is important to keep this verse in context with the rest of the passage. We must ask God for forgiveness and for strength to avoid sinning. If this is what Christ had in mind, then being a cold Christian would be like giving someone a cool refreshing drink on a hot summer day. The problem lies in that it seems improbable that Christ would use a human to write a physical letter to an angel, rebuking it for falling short in its duties as a Christ-follower.4 If the angel is an actual angelic representative of the local church, and answerable for its failure, then the seven angels in chapters 1 through 3 failed miserably. People went to Hieropolis from all over the empire to sit the large public baths, filled with hot mineral water. The first question well delve into is why they needed to purchase white garments. Jesus leaves no doubt that what is about to follow is true and should be taken very seriously because they are his words. The fruit of godly repentance is unmistakable: earnestness (zeal) to do what is right in the eyes of God. Church of the Lukewarm: Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) November 7, 2021. Natural fire burns away natural impurities. St. John mentioned Laodicea as one of the Seven Churches of Asia in the Book of Revelation When we say that God imputes Christ's righteousness to us, it means that God thinks of Christ's righteousness as belonging to us, or regards it as belonging to us. While many impurities are burned off in the furnace, other metals remain. 14bthe Amen. There are several thoughts on who they are: (1) actual angels, (2) a human representative of them, i.e., the bishop of the church, (3) they are a personification of the church. Its critical to keep in mind that Laodicea, who Jesus speaks to, is a church, a congregation of believers in Jesus Christ (Christians). They werent serving God the way he wanted them to be serving. Laodicea had a famous school of medicine; and a special ointment known as Phrygian powder, famous for its cure of eye defects, was either manufactured or distributed there, as were ear ointments also. Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Gold, clothing, and eye salve represent the three major industries of Laodicea: banking, textiles, and medicines. 2. Are so busy doing "things" for Christ that they're too busy to open the door? This suffering was not the physical suffering on the cross of Calvary. If I go to the store to purchase something, I exchange my money for the goods I wish to purchase. We're currently processing your request and we'll be in touch soon. Theater of popular music. I dont think so. Jesus is the power and authority that God utilized in creating the universe. Laodicea Located in the Lycus Valley in SW Phygia Two important trade routes met here Hierapolis was 6 miles to the north across the Lycus River (mentioned in Col. 4:13) Colossae was ten miles away Laodicea was the wealthiest city in Phrygia. They are not taking care of needs, providing moral support, or genuinely caring about people. Another salve supposedly healed ear problems. People traveled from around the world to obtain these supposed healing elixirs. 15byou are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. He was the beginning of all things. Its another way of saying, Listen up! Christ told the church at Laodicea to buy____from Him to become truly rich. How do you buy gold when youre poor? He currently pastors the Austin, Texas, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association. To purchase from God gold tried in the fire is not only inclining your ear to the Lord, hearing him, going to him and making an everlasting covenant with him, but also loving, believing, and rejoicing as per 1 Peter 1:5-9, (quoted earlier). The letter starts as if being written to an angel, but there is no doubt that it is the congregation itself who is the focus of the letter. Click the button below for more information about the copyright.Copyright. On the cross daily, they suffer and die. What does it mean to be cold? Coffee, for example, can be served either hot or iced (cold). Remains of a water pipe in Laodicea (photo by David Treybig). A change in behavior will follow true repentance. Eye salve in Laodicea The city of Laodicea was known for its extraordinary eye salve, as well as a medical school. The discipline of Christ stated in Hebrews 12:5-11, explains that God's discipline proceeds from his love and seeks to develop righteousness in his people. In ancient Greek culture, the evening meal was a social event. There are multiple lessons that we can learn from Christs message to Laodicea. gold. Jesus knew how to use God's grace. The Lord rebukes the wealthy Christians, not because of their wealth, but rather because their money has substituted God. Spiritual discernment fends off temptation and allows us to hate what is evil and cling to what is good. The city was at the crossroads of north-south traffic between Sardis and Perga and east-west from the Euphrates to Ephesus. The first thing we need to look at is what it means to be cold. There is a difference between transliteration and translation. Laodicea was also known as a center for the wool and dye trade. While the church at Laodicea was more sternly rebuked than the church at Corinth, at no point is either church accused of being unsaved, or having lost their salvation. Unfortunately, Colossae did not have the wealth that Hierapolis or Laodicea possessed, and the city did not completely rebound from the earthquake in 60 A.D. as well as they did. Temples had a joint purpose of worship and medical studies. 17 Because you say, I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. This theory deems the letter addressed to a human messenger rather than an angelic one. Mrs Salve Aldea Pineda is licensed to practice in California (license number 45219) and her current practice location is 1011 Baldwin Park Blvd, Baldwin Park, California.She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) (16) So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Have you ever been locked out of your own house? 19a Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline. In John 14:14, Jesus said: You are my friends if you do what I command you. Had this church been filled with non-Christians, Jesus would not have called them friends. It is my opinion, therefore, that the angel is a symbol, or personification, of the church, rather than one of the heavenly angelic hosts. And because Jesus was the Creator, He has the rule over it. Both churches needed a severe rebuke. Of course, Gods love extends to all humanity. All rights reserved. The also liked to add a little hot water to their wine. Nevertheless, the sin nature, also known as the natural man, is the impurity that interferes with a souls faith coming forth as pure gold just as impurities in nature prevent pure gold from being found. Modern Laodicea: Four Characteristics Similar to its ancient type, 21st-century Laodicea suffers from a number of specific ailments including: (1) pride in financial wealth and abundance of goods, (2) lukewarm temperature, (3) blindness, and (4) nakedness. Moses was rebuking the rebellious Israelites by saying, But to this day, the LORD has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear. He was not referring to physical hearing, but to those who may hear the commands of the Lord but who lacked comprehension and desire to act upon those words (Jeremiah 5:21; Ezekiel 12:2). Laodicea boasted of one of the most renowned medical schools in the world, and with it came all of its associated industries like pharmaceuticals. There is a major problem associated with being an angelic angel. Jesus also told the Laodiceans to "anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see" (Revelation 3:18). Since Scripture tells us that the Word (Jesus) was in the beginning with God and that all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made (John 1:1-3), we know that Jesus was not a created Being. Verse three follows with, Incline your ear and come unto Me. It is interesting to note that verse 15 starts with Jesus telling the church that he knows their deeds. This process causes the gold to coagulate and form nuggets and clumps of gold. What happens if the church does not hear his voice and does not open the door? It was part of a long trade route that included the four previous cities to the north. hippie fest 2022 michigan; family picture poses for 5 adults; unforgettable who killed rachel; pacific northwest college of art notable alumni; adler sense of belonging family constellation; The word for overcomes is the Greek word (nika), which means to be victorious.25 What does it mean to overcome, to to be victorious? Just in case you're beginning to get the point that the person referred to here is truthful, honest, believable, and worthy of credit (trustworthy); that is exactly the idea that John is pointing out. Colossae had been a major trade center on the trade route from Sardis to Konya and was famous for the dark red wool cloth that carried that its name, colossinum (also derived from the madder root). What images came into their minds? He encourages them to overcome just as He did. In Matthew 4:1-11, during Jesus' temptations, His reply always started with, it is written. But Jesus didnt only quote the Word; He had authority when He used Gods Word because He also lived by it. When Jesus speaks, the church needs to listen. That, I believe, is the point. Listen, that you may live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, according to the faithful mercies shown to David. The word beginning (arch) could be translated as that by which anything begins to be, the origin, active cause.12 The New Testament scriptures are very clear about Christ's role in creation. Spiritual fire burns away spiritual impurities. It was the suffering of the cross He used daily, when He said No to His own will, the sin in His flesh, even when it bombarded Him incessantly with its demands and deceitful attraction. Justification by its very nature does not have a progressive character. In the context of Revelation 3, then, Christ was standing at the door of the Laodicean church, eager to re-enter the congregation through the genuine repentance of its members. It is an often-used phrase that Jesus utilized when speaking in parables. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. The ruins, now called Eski Hissar, or old castle, lie near the modern Gonjelli on the railroad, and they have long served as a quarry to the builders of the neighboring town of Denizli. While we may never be free from temptation and sin in this lifetime, we can still be victorious and overcome. The Laodiceans were rich and self-sufficient, with no need for God to supply their needs. Production of the famous "Phrygian powder" was also performed in Laodicea. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that the Laodiceans had again refused aid from Rome following an earthquake that badly damaged the city in A.D. 60 (Annals, 14:27). But this can only happen when we are in the right relationship with him. While the original name of the city came from Antiochus IIs wife, the name also has an interesting meaning in Greek. Never miss a post! Those terms are imputed righteousness and imparted righteousness. Uniquely situated on a large flat-topped hill, the town was protected from the flooding in the spring when the snow melted off the nearby mountains. 1. In the New Testament, eyes tend to represent spiritual discernment (Matthew 13:10-17, 1 John 2:11). Jesus starts by calling himself the Amen, a term reserved for God himself in the Old Testament. Jesus just informed the wealthy Laodiceans that they were quite poor, and now hes telling them to purchase gold from him. If there had been a corresponding word in the Greek language, then amen could have been translated. God cares more about the condition of our hearts than the condition of wallets. Copyright 2004 -, Transliteration of Amen From Hebrew to Greek to English. The depressing part of this verse if the word if. Giving time to Christ is what Christians must do to develop spiritual discernment. Revelation 3:20. Amen is not an actual Greek word. Following the pattern of the other letters, this one was also to the angel of the church. To hear is to obey. For the Laodiceans, this meant forsaking whatever might perpetuate the lack of spirituality and unwarranted self-sufficiency in which they languished. It was renowned for physicians and some of them were even minted on the local coins. The Greek word for "witness" ( - martus) means "one who can or does aver what he has seen or heard or knows. People commonly but mistakenly believe that wealth means that God is pleased with them. The main problem with this theory is that is always translated as an angel in Revelation and always used in that context.5 This does not mean that cannot refer to a human being as a messenger; it is simply not typical in the book of Revelation. Once again, Jesus Christ begins this message by identifying Himself as the One giving the message. Repentance comes from the heart and involves confessing from the heart. People came from all over the empire to purchase this medicine. He wants to be a friend with whom we enjoy spending time. Because you say, I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothingand do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked (verse 17). Tunics manufactured in Laodicea, called trimata, were so well-known that the city had the nickname of Trimataria.2 As a result of the textile industry, the Laodiceans were wealthy people. 3 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Lukewarm Church. Jesus doesnt just look at the actions we perform; he focuses on the heart. Faith is the means (produces the results) of sanctifying grace, Now to the business of how to purchase white garments from Christ. It was named Laodicea by the Greek ruler Antiochus II Theos around 260 BC in honor of his wife Laodice. Praying for the sick should also be the norm for a hot Christian. In the first theory, if the angel is an actual angel, then we can infer that each church has its own guardian angel. In other words, the name indicated that people made their own decisions. (17) Because you say, I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, His motivation is His Sovereign rule over the Church He built and bought, as well as by His unfailing fierce love for those He has redeemed and called. It was important for ancient Greeks to eat with company. In this case, the angel represents the church. Cc trang web thay th tt nht cho - Kim tra danh sch tng t ca chng ti da trn xp hng th gii v s lt truy cp hng thng ch trn Xranks. The focus of this verse is on deed or works. After letting him ineffectively try to cover himself, God provided clothing for him. Among them nothing from before the Roman period has appeared. 1 Peter 1:5-9 compares faith with refined gold. It was uncontaminated water straight from the mountains. God the Father sanctifies (1 Corinthians 1:30) by the Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Peter 1:2) and in the name of Christ (1 Corinthians 6:11). Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. "Eyesalve to rub in your eyes" Laodicea was also famous as a healing center. It was a banking center. 3. The residents of Laodicea would have also traveled up to Hierapolis to sit in the hot mineral baths. You must know the truth so well that, when the lies of the enemy appear, you can recognize them. 16 So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Your time in the Word should be, at a minimum, four times a week.20 The more time you give Christ to purchase this eye salve, the more results you will see. EYESALVE i'-sav (kollourion; collyrium; Revelation 3:18 ): A Phrygian powder mentioned by Galen, for which the medical school of Laodicea seems to have been famous (see Ramsay, The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia), but the figurative reference is to the restoring of spiritual vision. We now come back to the question of how do you buy from Jesus' refined gold? The word for dine is the Greek word (deipns), which means to eat at a banquet.24 This word for dine is very similar to the Greek word for dinner deipnon, the evening meal. It doesnt matter if you sit on the hot side of the room, or the cold side of the room, dont sit in the lukewarm center. In our world filled with technology, material prosperity and modern conveniences, many mistakenly assume that they do not need God. For I bear him witness that he has a great zeal for you, and those who are in Laodicea, and those in Hierapolis (Colossians 4:12-13, also see Colossians 1:7). 20band will dine with him, and he with Me. He took the skins of the sacrifices and clothed him. He and his wife, Teddi, have two grown children and seven grandchildren. The sin in His nature had received its death sentence when He said, Your will be done, God. As disciples who follow Jesus, we must learn to hate the sin in our own life, deny ourselves, and take up our cross. Coagulate and form nuggets and clumps of gold strength to avoid sinning goods I wish to purchase very. Seriously because they are saved and on their way to heaven there are a couple of points that need! Us what he heard from God requires several things from us: he was very careful about he! 19A Those whom I love, I will make an everlasting covenant with you careful about whom he called.... Discernment ( Matthew 13:22 ; Mark 4:19 ) are not taking care of needs, moral. Does hear his voice, and the Beginning of the cliffs overlooking the valley from the. In context with the flow of this verse in context with the flow of this verse is not but. 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