curing tobacco in jars

I have grown some and do not want to ferment it. Although I may not be identifying the ammonia as released from tobacco leaves correctly. I had trouble with the whole drying/curing process though. Mine is 40ltr any old water boiler come tea earn will do. Question: I am following your method of growing tobacco at home, though I am getting my brown leaves within a few weeks or less. Hi - What are your thoughts on smoking unfermented tobacco. Question: How do you flavor tobacco with honey and alcohol? remember you are not growing veges, yellow leaves make a more mellow product. Question: Why do my tobacco leaves never turn yellow and ripen? As good a way as any Rhett, nothings written in stone - adapt, innovate, do it on the cheap; that's what it's all about. Answer: I've never struck that problem, and it hasn't been mentioned before, so it's probably not an issue. [1] 2 Pick leaves that are a pale-yellow for drying. When ordering tobacco seeds online, be sure to check importing restrictions. Wear sterile disposable gloves and fill each jar about of the way full with your dried and trimmed buds. Answer: It's fine, (If you want to speed drying put some leaves in a VERY low oven for an hour or more until they are dry enough to suit). Also, is it possible for the plants to grow too fast? Question: When growing and curing tobacco at home, do we do a fermentation/sweating process after drying? to avoid harsh taste one step of curing process missing - fermentation. How Often Should I Water Tobacco Plants? Question: Any advice on growing tobacco in buckets? Problem solved! If you're jarring tobacco, make sure the jars you're using create a seal. I will be 76 next month and live in the UK. Tho it is now. It's only a few. Why am I growing tobacco? You'll know they're ready for use when theyve turned dark brown and the edges of each leaf are curled. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 13, 2014: The bowler hat brigade - too stupid to "do" so spend their lives telling us "not to do". Put them loosely into the jar, you want some air . Putting them in an oven at VERY low heat for an hour or so will also dry them ready to cut and smoke but I can't guarantee that they'll yellow as much as slow drying. For menthol I just added some mint leaves. Answer: The bottom leaves are possibly ready to harvest, I can't accurately assess why some of your leaves have white spots as it's a problem that I haven't encountered so far. I've had some specific varieties that were not particularly good until 18 months, In theory, could I just chuck my jars in say the hot water cupboard? I better still be alive for the first finished product lol. Mr. The dried leaves should have a slightly sweet smell from the curing process. And I always unplugged the light when leaving the house. :). To cure my tobacco i air dry it in my shed. I've been drawing from T.A. I realize the leaves are moist at first but after the moisture evaporates do you have to have any humidification device in there?A: yeah, as you can imagine, lamp is very similar to an oven, where the dry heat generated constantly takes away the humidity. The following is a helpful "Q and A" following this project. How to Tell How Old Cigarettes Are and If Theyre Stale. Curing can last anywhere from two weeks minimum, to up to six months for some strains. Keep an eye on your. I suggest that you Google "HubPages" and check them out. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 09, 2014: kiwi_john aka the old fart on September 09, 2014: well planting season is upon us; i've got a shitload of seeds (no not from the dunny) so fingers toes and eyes all crossed for a bumper crop.I'VE GOT ALL THE GOOD STUFF : SEED GERMINAING MIX.MINI GREENHOUSE.NO EXPENSE SPARED TO SAVE A $. The ribs are easy to remove at that point. No oil heaters required! Do not tighten at this point. Remember to save your seed for the next crop. I turned out a first-class flake tobacco from some leaf that I'd left in a box in a corner of my garage for a year and forgotten about. I cured a bit with bourbon in the oven and got a nice pipe smoke. Thanks heaps for your all your good work and effort.. As you are aware, we are being raped by our jackboot government, overtaxing and discriminating against smokers.. Prices are going through the roof. Like some others I came upon your article whilst looking for info on curing tobacco. March-June,get started TODAY! Low and behold, I have 2 tobacco plants growing, which surprised me as the cigars I buy are aged. !, i want to ask you why? Answer: Let them become almost dry but not brittle, take out the middle rib and any others that are large (who wants to smoke ribs?) Give them a dose of general garden fertiliser now and again. Otherwise, do as a lot of people I know do - buy a cheap lighter and put up with lighting up often, its a lot less costly than getting store-bought tobacco! A good recommended fill blend for a home grown cigar is 30% Havana leaf and 70% Virginia leaf with a Havana wrapper. This will help preserve the tobacco after it dries, and may prolong the burning. Been reading your posts looking to find ways to make what i grow less harsh to smoke. You can make a perfectly acceptable product by drying the leaves adequately, slicing them thinly, rolling them in cigarette paper, and setting them alight, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! We were told this by an old DSIR nerd, a friend tried it reconds it better than brought menthols. Thank you for any other informative site. WISH ME LUCK FOLKS THE GOVT DAMN SURE DOESN'T ASTHEY WATCH THERE TAX DOLLARS EVAPORATE. abfdged. But the future looks a lot more brighter. Temperature range in fermenting. on Step 5. sounds like the uneven curing is due to inconsistent humidity and too dry of an environment. When using plastic bag style do you move them around and how often do you water with the plastic bag style. Great sense of humour and a very helpfull artical.Thank you. Question: I bought some homegrown tobacco but it has a dark greenish look to it. Question: When the bottom leaves go yellow before flowering starts, do I cut off the yellowing leaves and dispose of them or keep them? (. it was cold and had good air flow. This seems a good place to take you by the hand and walk you through some basic arithmetic if you haven't already done so yourself. and spray it finely on the dried leaves with a garden mister. tobacco enthusiast on September 15, 2014: Thanks to this hub I just pulled in my 4th batch of leaves and hung them to dry. Essentially creating a compost heap where the internal temperature is carefully monitored along with the humidity levels. [4] Flue [ edit] Last Updated: January 20, 2021 You'll learn by experiment to get the tobacco the way that you like it. Then I put the buds into 1 qt mason jars to cure. Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. Question: How can I get the right smell and taste for my homegrown tobacco? It is only recently that I have heard any mention of ammonia occurring in the drying process, and I personally doubt whether it has much effect on the finished product. One dampens and presses the leaves for a few days (in a shallow tray with a board and a weight on top) then rolls up the leaves like a newspaper roll, and slices thin rings off it which are then cut cross-ways for cigarette tobacco. Stack leaves (10-20+) and sweat in sun or oven in winter. Or can I plant them right away in areas with a long growing season? As for the number of plants to be self-sufficient in Baccy for my pipe? I have been advised that I must ferment to improve the flavour, but more importantly to remove the ammonia which is pretty bad for you. I also ground some into a powder snuff, I added a cotton ball dipped in scented oil for a week or so to add flavor and scent then removed the cotton ball later. Isn't it possible to sterilize the pile of tobacco and stop all the fermentation by having temperature too high? This is only my opinion, I've read nothing definitive about it either way. Chopping can be left until after the compression/ageing if preferred. -Week 3 smells very strongly like raisins. If you dry your tobacco in your home, be sure to mind the temperature and humidity to avoid drying the leaves too quickly. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on January 21, 2016: Hi Hops, beer and 'baccy go together mate, have a top New Year too. . If you hit 71% or greater, you will have to take the bud out to dry more. Soon, you'll notice that tobacco is quite an attractive ornamental with small, pretty, pink flowers. . It may not display this or other websites correctly. If parts of the leaf remain green, it has dried too fast. You could try misting the almost dry leaves with alcohol, like rum or vodka. Very educational. You might try planting cabbage amongst the 'backy to deter the cabbage butterfly; I intend to this year. The place else may just I get that type of info written in such a perfect way? 50% of these commercial growers cure for between 7 and 14 days. Question: Im in the Wairarapa and just got some seedlings from the local garden centre. From new and estate tobacco pipes to tin pipe tobacco and bulk pipe tobacco, we have everything you need. I personally didn't run into any problems, but this set up is risky and definitely not UL rated . on Step 5, when air curing has happened with my plants there are vast diffrents in colour between the diffrent leafs some are dark brown - light brown but some are a very dark green.. they are cured they just seem to hold there colour..? Built a box frame 2'6" sq. % of people told us that this article helped them. Keep their soil moist but not soggy when they're young. tobacco enthusiast on September 16, 2014: Luther 2 the b8g ribs can be Removed! The seeds will pass through while most of the rubbish will stay behind. Answer: I've never bothered fermenting, and nor have any of my friends. Curing is a 3 part process:1) Drying (color curing): to take out majority of the moisture. I suggest that you air-dry some leaves and then compare. It looks and smells good but it will not stay burning. Answer: As people in the UK and the USA have been using my article for over ten years now I can see no reason to prevent you. Wonderful hub. Once sealed, age for about two months at room temperature or slightly above. Im growing in ohio, where the difference betwixt winter and summer is almost nonexistent. If it's too rainy or it gets too much water, the tobacco gets weak and thin. I've been toying with the idea of growing my own tobacco for a year now and just found your site by looking for how to cure tobacco. I understand that Tobacco in Cigars, Pipes, Roll your own, cigarettes, snuff and all other types are from the same tobacco plant. 11 years ago We have seeds. Stand the container in a dish so that you can water it without soaking the carpet. I just save some seed year by year. The same number (12.5%) cure for between 6 and 8 days. You do need LARGE pots, it grows a huge root ball. Put seed-growing mix or a mixture of fine soil and sand in a shallow container. I have smoked ciggies, small cigars and a pipe since I was about 14. Question: What do you think of using a humidifier to keep some moisture in the air while curing? Instead of a timer you could also use an eight dollar dimmer cord found at any hardware store, it will adjust the power and heat output of any bulb. at home depot, clamp assembly is not needed)-30W light bulb (heat source)-Aluminum foil-Clean paper towels-Plastic bag-Sterilized spray bottle (use bleach solution to clean, rinse and dry thoroughly)-Distilled water. Allow 2 meters headroom if you keep them inside and remember to pick out the sideshoots growing in the leaf joins (just like tomatoes do) they can be planted too for a later crop. Does my curing chamber look like it will work? this pic is just a couple of late bloomers that iv put in a pot outside if you notice on the dried leaf there is type of mould when cured outside have you had this proble befor or has this happened because its still attached to the plant?has not been a good year for growing this year but the other plants were about 5ft with broard leafs what was left after the slugs, Reply Fermentation is the trickiest part, and is what this instructable is intended to outline. Question: I have been hanging first tobacco leaves for two weeks in the green house and they going brown already. Fire curing produces a tobacco low in sugar and high in nicotine. This is typically the culprit. Did you dry indoors? This will keep the leaves moist but reduce the chance of mold developing while theyre in storage. Our politicians will waste tens of millions on a futile flag referendum (and then probably twist the results - the head of the CIA visited last week) then they tax the Hell out of smokers - over 90% of the retail cost of tobacco returns to the government in some form of taxation (a conservative estimation) but smokers are denied the medical treatment of others as they "caused their own problems". If it's warmer, that's even better. Just wanted to see how it's done. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on July 17, 2018: Try misting the dried leaves with a mixture of oil of cloves (from the chemist) and water. Any suggestions? I want to try it. I did miss a stage in my above aromatic observationsbetween the wet grass and raisin stage there was a strong cereal toasted corn flakes, which probably lasted for the entire 2nd week. The essential pieces for fermentation is 120 degree heat and humidity. Step 1: Trim and prepare your buds If you choose drying weed as individual buds already trimmed and stripped from their branches, then you can move on to the next step. Thank you so much for putting up this site. I don't really monitor the humidity too much, I just give it 15-20 distilled water misting on and between the hands about 2-3 times a day, just to keep the leaves semi-moist. You don't have to fork out another $2.50 for seed. Curing is basically the drying of tobacco in a moderately controlled environment. Hi how is everyone in this tuff times hope all is ok ive started growing tobacco plant and im wondering do i have to use a cooler fan if curing leaves in a attic, thanks good info no frills- i've got 40 seeds in seedling mix indoors 7 germinated so far. I started about 400 tobacco seeds, about 85% germination rate. Can we buy seeds direct from you? That being said it is taxing to spray the leaves so often. to cut: take dried leaves cut out stems, dampen dried leaves, put in press to make solid block, cut and re-dry cut tobacco. This process takes about 3-4 weeks.2) Fermentation: Sweating out ammonia, and a few other complicated chemical processes. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on March 20, 2014: I wrote a month or what back that I had started harvesting and drying down here in North Canty, and being the impatient bugger that I am, have started smoking it now, and am pleasantly surprised with the result. An attic or garage rafters are great, provided you still have headroom. The same goes with tobacco: To cure it, first you've gotta pick it. If I think the tobacco is drying to quickly I give it a light misting with the distilled water. If you get problems then sort them out with humidifiers or what have you. I assume that you want to either roll a cigarette or use a pipe. Question: Once the tobacco is cured and cut, how do you store so it doesnt dry out like tobacco you buy? From your pictures, your plants were very immature, their growth stunted mostly due to the small pot size. oops, I must have had a couple to many ales the last time I wrote in. Answer: I grow the one that I originally bought from King's Seeds in Katikati NZ years ago. That being said, so can drinking, singing off-key, eating too much (or not enough) meat, and so on. you have done a excellent activity on this matter! Make sure kiln has good air circulation and that jars aren't touching walls to prevent condensation in jars. This is just 3 hands of tobacco and it does have quite the aroma associated with it! Also without an insulator, there would be a lot of heat loss, you would need higher temps than a psudo greenhouse.The cooler method traps in heat, but because the seals are not air tight there seems to be a lot of air exchange going on. In fact, with a little bit of bartering, you might even make your money back. I've settled on 1 week in the press for this experiment bracket, so unless I get an additional press, it'll take me 3 months to get all the 1 oz pressed samples underway. Tobacco is an amazingly prolific plant. Smokingpipes is your one stop shop for Tobacco Jars Pipe Accessories and all your tobacco smoking needs. Not to mention the moaning at the forever price hikes in Tobacco. Anyine got pointers on aging? Fairly certain he's going to have a good read. Show me tobacco . If you're limited in space, plant as many as you can. By using our site, you agree to our. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on May 16, 2014: Hi there Rob n Rose, sorry for the tardy reply. The product was a gentler and more aromatic smoke when it landed in Europe than when it left the "New World". Its been about 6-8 weeks of drying. The best temperatures for growing tobacco is 68 to 86 F (20 to 30 C). Keeping it right in the middle keeping the leaves are warm and supple seems to be the goal..The layer of wet napkins and saran wrap helps a little to hold in moisture between mistings. Also, thank you for this article. (It should reach full size without problems.). the temp is 60-65oF humidity 60-65% for the cure i wouldn't go down passed 50oF or above 75 the high temp will evaporate trichomes and low temps will make the heads brittle and fall off easily. Pick whichever leaves are ready, and cut a slit near the stem end of the centre rib of each leaf. Good job documenting your work! Also worked very well last year on fully dried tobacco. Leaves that dry too fast may remain green. It improves with age so long as it does not dry out. Information I will be collecting: A good recommended fill blend for a home grown cigar is 30% Havana leaf and 70% Virginia leaf with a Havana wrapper.-Cheap, light weight foam cooler: if you ever wondered what to do with that leaky foam coolerhere it is!-Corded clamp light reflector light fixture, (avail. He left the element on about 150 C for a few days. Now, any ideas on how I could take this to the next level & make it into clove cigarettes? Trying my hand at growing these babies indoors.wish me luck :). Thanks. For tobacco, the curing process is similar to the standard drying process of cannabis. Commercially it used to have saltpeter (potassium nitrate) added to keep it going, although I don't know what's used now. Cheers. If you over-do it and it gets too brittle a fine mist from a cheap hothouse mister should fix things. Paper towels misted and saturated with distilled water is placed on top of the cured tobacco hands with some plastic wrap over it to hold in the moisture, I do a good deal of misting with distilled water about twice a day. Fred Hanna has a method of quickly aging tobacco. Question: Can I make alcohol from tobacco leaves? He then cuts it and uses it straight away. So how do you raise the delicate little darlings? Tobacco isn't picky. "We are in process of putting up a tobacco barn with latest technology. They'll need temperatures of 75 to 80F to germinate. Question: I am a cigar smoker and I often put my stubs in my wife's flower bed. Pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff are fire cured. This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. 12.5% cure for between 5 and 10 days. Reply,,,,,,,, I'm sure they will be benefited from this web site. My experience is there is no way to cut out the big ribs etc, because as soon as I touched the leaves they crumble into a bunch of tiny pieces. It does thrive in rich, well-draining soils, but it'll make do with what it gets. Tobacco grows best in places that are dry and warm. and is it any good? Thanks again for this information. Within a few hours the sun begins to bleach it. Really its just a foam cooler with a $5 light from Home Depot now Oct. 26, 2011 UPDATE: In the final version of this fermenter, a (I simply used a cooler with no air holes, just one hole punched at the top for the light fixture). Fill the jars about three quarters of the way, leaving the other quarter empty. Question: Is it worth continuing to harvest the leaves after the tobacco plant has flowered? That's late summer here in the Southern Hemisphere. So, fermentation, do it if you want to, you may like the flavour better, you may not, I don't think that it matters a damn' for health and safety. As released from tobacco leaves correctly the leaves too quickly so can drinking, singing off-key, too! 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